Date night

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            "So, a date with Evan. Are you excited?" "I am. I want to know more about me." "That's good."

Once Alex dropped me off at home, I headed straight towards the kitchen. Since school ended at 3:40, I had two hours before Evan picked me up. I decided to eat some food, wash, and take a nap. Once I woke up, I looked at the clock in my room and noticed it was 5:50. I got out of bed to put on a fancy dress, only to take it off five seconds later because I hated how my legs showed. "Guess I'm wearing a crop top and leggings on this date." Pretty soon, Evan was knocking on the door. "Coming."

When I opened the door, I saw Evan dressed in a fancy black suit. "Am I underdressed?" I asked. "Yeah." Evan responded. "Alright, let me go change." "Actually, you don't have to change." "You sure?" "Positive." Evan reached his hand out, and I grabbed it. "Come on, Amour."

Evan ended up taking me to a fancy restaurant. Now I really feel underdressed. "Evan, why didn't you let me change?" "You look beautiful." "I'm underdressed." "Don't worry, the next stop is going to be me overdressing." Evan called out for a table for two, and soon we were placed at a table.

"Hello, my name is Bailey. I will be your server for today. What can I start you off with to drink?" "Bailey?" "Stella, we meet again." "You work here?" "This place pays 30 bucks an hour." "Dang, if there is an opening, let me know." "Will do." "Stella, how do you know our server?" Evan asked. "She's in my class." "Your girlfriend here lied to a teacher so she wouldn't get in trouble." "Wow." "I hate to rush, but my boss is annoying. Anything to drink?" "Babe. What would you like?" "A sweet tea, please." "Make that two." "Okay, I'll be right back."

"So, Evan, describe my personality." "Well, for starters, you never lied to a teacher; you hated black and thought it was a sign from the grim ripper; everywhere you went, you always dressed your best; public opinion was what kept you going. You loved money, and you always pointed out the obvious. You would hardly go head first into danger, and you rarely talked back." "Are you sure you are talking about me?" I said it with a chuckle. "Ha, so, um, how is everything?" "Good. I got a memory back today." "I'm so proud of you. What was it?" "I got into an argument with my teacher because he lost my assignment."

"Here are your sweet teas. Ready to order?" "Yes, I would like ribs, some mashed potatoes, and a side of grapes, please." "Okay, and for you, sir." "Um, chicken Alfred." "Coming right up." "What?" I said this towards Evan, who kept staring at me. "You always order a salad." "Was I starving myself?" "No, calories were important to you." "Weird. Evan, can I ask you something?" "Of course." "Were you happy with me?" "We had our problems, but, um, I don't know what it was about that wreck, but I like you better now. You're free. You weren't stuck up like usual." "Well, let's hope I don't get stuck up again." Evan let out a little chuckle.

Pretty soon our food came, and Evan and I were digging in. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a guy who wouldn't take his eyes off of me. "Evan, the guy behind you won't stop looking at me." "He probably likes you and is wondering how he can win you over. Too bad you're taken." "Ha." Pretty soon, the guy got up from his table and walked towards the table Evan and I were at.

"Zaria." "No, I'm sorry; my name is Stella." "Oh, you just look like someone I used to know. I'll leave you alone now. Have a good day." The man said this as he was walking away. I turned towards Evan, who had a worried look on his face. "You good?" "Yeah, come on, there is one more place I want to take you." "Alright."

After Evan paid the bill, I followed him towards his vehicle. Pretty soon, we arrived on top of the mountains. "Evan, why are we here?" "You used to hate this." "Hate what?" I said it with a confused look. Evan got out of the car, walked towards my side, opened my car door, and then reached for my hand. Once I grabbed his hand, he led me out of the vehicle, and I couldn't believe what I saw. The whole sky was covered in stars. I looked over at Evan, who was sitting on top of his car. "How could I hate this?" "I don't know." I climbed on top of the car and sat beside Evan. We both laid down on the roof and just stared at the sky for what seemed like hours. I felt Evan's fingers play through my hair. Eventually, I felt my eyes get heavy. I soon fell asleep on Evan's lap. I felt Evan pick me up and carry me to the car. Today was a good day.

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