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I can hold it. I can hold it. I can't hold it. I hastily got off my bed and headed towards the bathroom. I probably shouldn't have had three glasses of water once I got home from my date with Evan. Once I washed my hands, I looked at my phone and noticed the time was two in the morning. I hopped right back in bed only to be awakened five minutes later by a commotion going on in the living room. I got off my bed, walked towards the door, and opened it a little so I could eavesdrop.

"Zoey calm down." "Calm down; you want me to calm down. I am pretending to be happy. I'm pretending everything is normal. I am hurting, dad. It's hard to be happy when nothing is normal. "I understand." "No, you don't. By the looks of it, you don't care. You can't force people to be happy. It won't work. Whenever you get that through your thick skull, then and only then will you understand." Zoey stormed off towards her room.

I closed my door and went back to bed. I hope that conversation wasn't about me.

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