High school

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Have you ever had a good sleep only to be woken up by a loud alarm clock? It sucks. As I was struggling to get off my comfortable bed, Zoey busted into my room. "Rise and shine, cupcake." "Ughhh, I might not remember anything, but I sure can tell I hated waking up early." "Yeah, now come on, Alex is waiting on you." "Alright."

I slowly got off my bed and headed towards the bathroom so I could wash. Once I got done washing, I headed towards my closet and put on a black tank top, a black hoodie, black leggings, and black shoes. "You love black, huh?" I turned around to find Alex sitting on my bed. "How long have you been here?" "I just got here." "Did I not love black before?" I questioned. "You were more of a blue person." "Oh." "Come on, let's get to school before the cafeteria stops selling cinnamon rolls." "You drive?" "Yep, now come on." Alex dragged me out of the house towards her blue Mustang. "Nice car." "Thanks, now hop in." "So, what's the name of our school?" "Bacson High School, home of the buffalo." "Our mascot is the buffalo." "Yep." "Nice."

After driving for about ten minutes, we pulled up at Bacson High School. This school was huge. "Okay, here is your schedule. You have math first, biology, dance, and finally Korean." "Alright, maybe some memories will come back to me." "Maybe."

. . . . . .

Three hours—that's how long I've been at this school. Three freaking long hours. Currently, I am walking back towards my biology class after hiding in the bathroom for thirty minutes. As I was walking back to my classroom, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and sprung me around. "Ahhhhh." "Shhh." The strange individual turned me around, and I was face-to-face with Evan. "Evan, what are you doing?" "How would you like to go on a date with me tonight?" "I guess." "You don't seem excited." "Well, you weren't excited when you saw me, so I'm just giving the same response." "Touché" "I have to get to class." "Pick you up at six." "Okay."

Once I got back in class, an image appeared in my head. I was in reading class arguing with my teacher about an assignment I turned in, but he lost it and wanted me to redo it. "Stella, Stella, STELLA!" My teacher calling my name multiple times brought me back to reality. One of my memories came back, and I couldn't help but contain my smile.

"Stella, you want to tell me why it took you thirty minutes to use the bathroom?" "I couldn't find it, and when I did, I realized my period had came and I didn't have any pads." "That is too much information." "You asked." I sat down in my chair when this girl leaned over towards me and whispered in my ear. "I have some pads if you need some." "Thanks, but I lied. I'm not on it; I just didn't want the teacher to know I was hiding from his class." "Smooth, I'm going to start doing that. I'm Bailey, by the way." "I'm Stella. Nice to meet you."

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