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When I walked into the house, I saw Zoey and Alex on the couch watching TV. "Stella, are you okay? You ran away so fast." Zoey asked. "I'm okay. I'm a little heartbroken, but I'm okay." "Do you want to watch TV with us?" Alex asked. "No thanks. I'm just going to go to my room." "Alright, we're here if you need us." "Thanks."

Once I made it into my room, I collapsed onto my bed and began to cry my eyes out once again. Evan wouldn't kill himself, would he?

. . . . .

The day that I've been dreading. The funeral. I am currently sitting down on a bench in a long black dress, listening to the preacher talk about how amazing Evan was and that his death came to us as a total surprise. Eventually, the preacher was finishing up, and we were able to view the body one last time before Evan was buried.

As I walked up towards his body and held his cold hands, the tears wouldn't stop leaving my eyes. He looked so peaceful. I leaned down and whispered into his dead ear that I loved him and would never forget him. Once I was done, I started to walk back towards my seat. I heard someone scream and cry from behind me. When I turned around, I noticed it was a tan woman with long black hair, a well-rounded face with narrow lips, and dark blue eyes. Her heart was broken. The more I looked at her, the more I made the connection. That was Evan's mother. I decided that once she cooled down, I was going to make my way over there and reintroduce myself.

"Ms. Black." "Yes dear." The woman's face was swollen from the number of tears she had shed. "My name is Stella. I figure I'll reintroduce myself since I don't remember you." "Well, Stella, way to be rude." "No, I got into a car wreck and can't remember anything. You're Evan's mom, right?" "Yes. I'm sorry, but who are you to Evan?" That question stabbed me in the heart. Throughout the two years we have been dating, does his mother not know who I am? "I'm his girlfriend." "When did he start dating you?" "Two years." "Well, you must have been a side hoe? I'll tell you what, though: he loves females named Stella." Before I could say anything, Zoey saw me talking to Evan's mom and immediately came rushing over.

"Ms. Lucy, hey, how you holding up?" Zoey asked. "Well, my son killed himself, so you can imagine. Who would have thought we would have been at two funerals in less than a year? Guess the two couples can't live without each other." "Who would have thought? I am truly sorry for your loss." "Thanks, and I'm sorry for yours." "Well, Ms. Lucy, I have to go. I hope you can find peace." "You to Zoey. Stay safe." Zoey dragged my arm away from Ms. Lucy.

"Ouch. Zoey, you're hurting my arm. ZOEY!" "Sorry." "The person Ms. Lucy was talking about, was that the person you cared about very deeply?" "Yeah." "I'm sorry." "Don't be, after all, you didn't know her." "How wouldn't I know her?" "You just won't. Come on, let's go home."

. . . .

"Come on, Marcello, I don't want to be late." "Relax Z. We will arrive just on time." I hoped on the passenger's side, anxious to go to my first ever concert. "You ready?" "Yes." Soon we were on the road, and I couldn't help the excitement rising in me. "It's going to be the best thing ever. Thank you for doing this for me." "Anything for you." I decided to turn the radio on and listen to some R&B. When I looked back at the road, I noticed a truck going about 80 miles to my right. "Hey M..." Those were all the words I could force out until the truck hit the right side of the vehicle, making us flip over.

My vision was blurry, blood was dripping down my face, and I could barely breathe. I looked over at Marcello to find him unconscious. "M." I tried to say more than the letter M, but I couldn't. I heard a car door open, so I tried to move my head so I could see, but I was in too much pain. Pretty soon, my car door opened, and I saw a man with a blue mask on. The guy pulled out a needle and struck it in my neck. Before I passed out, I noticed the truck had a photo on the windshield. The photo was a picture of two girls. One of the girls just happened to be Zoey.

I bolted from the bed, sweating and shaking. That couldn't be true,could it? I quietly got out of bed and made my way towards the basement. Once Igot downstairs and grabbed the box labeled Zaria, I found shocking images of meat another location. Once I went through all the photos, I located another boxnamed Stella. I died on June 12th. Car accident. If I died twomonths ago, who is Zaria? I decided to clean up before someone saw me. As I putStella's box back on the shelf, I saw the photo book Victoria showed me. When Iwent through the photo book, something caught my eye. The photo was glued tosomething behind it. I started peeling the photo back until it came offcompletely. Behind it was a different photo of a girl. She had long, beautifulblack curly hair with brown eyes. I looked very similar to this person. Who wasshe? I was so deep into the photo book and trying to figure out what was goingon that I didn't know someone had come downstairs. Pretty soon, I feltsomething heavy hit the back of my head. I really need to stop passing out.

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