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I got to the passenger side, feeling excited for what was to come next. I looked over at the driver, and I could tell that wasn't Alex. Oh no, not this again. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a truck going about 80 miles toward my right. Before I could speak, the truck crashed into us, making us flip over. I looked over at the mysterious driver, who was unconscious. I heard a car door open. I turned my head to find a guy in a blue mask walking over towards me and sticking me with a needle.

I leapt out of bed, panting. Swett was everywhere, and my breathing was out of control again. Why must this nightmare happen? I looked at my phone and found the time was 7 a.m. I had ten more minutes to sleep before I had to wake up for school. I decided to go ahead and get dressed because I really couldn't sleep afterwards. Once I got dressed, I went ahead and made myself some pancakes.

"Morning." Zoey said, stumbling out of her room. Her face looked swollen, and her eyes looked like she had cried herself to sleep and then continued to cry in her sleep. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm perfect." Zoey stumbled over her own feet, but since I was close to her, I caught her just in time before she hit the ground. "Zoey, you are not okay. What happened?" "I might have gotten a little bit tipsy last night." "A little. Where did you get the alcohol, and why get drunk?" "There is a bar downtown; I went and drank." "Why?" "I did something bad." "What did you do?" "I lied to someone; I lied to everyone, and someone else I cared about got hurt. So I drank to heal the pain. It's too bad it's not gone. Do we have any more alcohol left?" "I don't know, and by the looks of it, you need to lay off alcohol." "If someone did something bad to someone, would you tell them?" "Of course." "I want to, but I can't." "Of course you can." "No, I can't. If I tell, then I would be hurt." Zoey fell to the ground, crying her eyes out. I just sat on the ground beside her and hugged her until she stopped crying.

After I got Zoey to stop crying, I grabbed my bag and went outside to where Alex was waiting for me. Once we arrived at the school, there were news people everywhere. "What is going on?" I asked, looking towards Alex. "I don't know; let's go find out." I could tell Alex was lying. Her voice rose about three notches.

Once I entered the school, I was handed a foldable. I looked down at the foldable, and it read, "In loving memory of Evan Riot." Wait, something isn't right. Evan wasn't dead; he couldn't be dead. I opened the foldable, and inside it gave me information about Evan's life and how he died. According to this, he died of suicide. "This can't be right. Alex, I was literally hanging out with him yesterday, and he didn't look like he was suicidal." "It's always the pain you don't expect." I continued looking through the foldable, and it said what led to Evan's suicide was family issues and losing an unborn child.

"Excuse me." A light-skinned woman with blonde hair approached me. "Yes?" I responded. "Weren't you Evan's girlfriend?" "I was." "My name is Elena, and I work for Channel 15 on the daily news. I would like to know more about this story that led up to his death." "I don't know. He seemed happy." "So, are you saying you missed the signs because you were so closed off?" "What? No. I wasn't closed off. Evan would have never killed himself." "Didn't you lose a baby?" "Yes." "So, losing the baby had a bigger effect on him than you assumed." "I-I don't know." "So, you are saying you don't know why your boyfriend killed himself. Were you even a good girlfriend? So technically, you could care less about him." "That is not what I said." "That is what I heard." "Get your ears checked." "Maybe Evan killed himself simply because he couldn't stand you. I've only been here for three minutes, and I can't stand you myself." Before I could say anything, I was surrounded by cameras and flashing lights. I couldn't take it anymore. I quickly ran out of the school and ran away as far as I could.

Assoon as I ran away, I collapsed to my knees and bawled my eyes out. He couldn'tbe dead, could he? I pulled out my phone and went straight to the news. Evanhung himself from the top of the stairs. He couldn't be depressed, couldhe?" My head was throbbing from all of this. I couldn't help but feeldizzy, and the car lights from the highway weren't helping. Pretty soon, mybody became one with the ground.

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