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Have you ever been forced to stay awake and not think about anything else but the news you have received? Since I got that memory, I couldn't sleep, think, or eat. If that was a memory, then where is my so-called brother now? I needed to get my brain to think about something else, so I went into the kitchen and made some tea.

"Good morning." Zoey said while she walked into the room in her pajamas. "Morning. Tea?" I asked while holding the cup up. "Nah, I'm more of a coffee person." "Alright." Once I fixed my tea, I went and sat on the couch, cutting the TV on. Pretty soon, Zoey sat right beside me.

"So, Alex told me you went all freaked out yesterday at the party. Want to tell me what happened?" "No, I'm good." "Stella, I'm going to keep bringing up the subject unless you tell me why you freaked out." "I really don't want to talk about it." "Stella." "Okay, when Alex left, some drunk person grabbed my waist. Once he grabbed me, I received a memory. A similar memory. I was at a party dancing, and some guy grabbed me and wouldn't let me go. So, I panicked that I was about to be in the same situation." "That's awful; he didn't do anything, did he?" Before I could say anything, something hit me. You are my sister; wouldn't I have told you this before? "Um, no, I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, and I ran. "I never saw him again." "I'm glad he didn't do anything." "Same"

After watching TV, Zoey eventually got off the couch and headed towards another room. One I've never seen before. "Where does that go?" I asked. "The basement. I need some photos for a school project, and all our photos are down there." "Can I come?" "Sure." I followed Zoey down towards the basement and found boxes everywhere with labels on them. As I was watching Zoey dig through boxes, I found a box out of the corner of my eye labeled "Zaria." The name Zaria brought back a memory of Evan at the restaurant.


"He probably likes you and is wondering how he can win you over. Too bad you're taken." "Ha." Pretty soon, the guy got up from his table and walked towards the table Evan and I were at.

"Zaria." "No, I'm sorry; my name is Stella." "Oh, you just look like someone I used to know. I'll leave you alone now. Have a good day." The man said this as he was walking away. I turned towards Evan, who had a worried look on his face.


For some reason, that name intrigued me. I tried to reach for the box, but Zoey stopped me. "I found what I needed. You ready?" "Um, yea."

So many questions popped into my head. Who was Zaria? Do I have a brother? Why am I having nightmares about being kidnapped? "Stella, Evan is here." Zoey yelled from the living room.

"Evan, what are you doing here?" "I was wondering if you are up for going on another date." "Where?" "How do you feel about bumper cars?" "Seriously." "If you don't want that, we can do a movie." "No, I want bumper cars. Let me get my coat on."

I don't know what it is about Evan, but it's like all my problems disappear when he is around me. Evan took me to this nice amusement park and paid thirty bucks for us to ride bumper cars for two hours. It was incredibly fun. After the bumper cars, Evan took me to this haunted house. I was mostly screaming and running away from everyone.

"Evan, don't ever take me to a hunted house." I said this while my hands were still shaking. "Hey, I'm sorry I scared you." Evan said holding my hands. For a brief moment, Evan and I just stared completely into each other's eyes. "There is one more place I want to take you." "It isn't scary, is it?" "No, you will love it."

I followed Evan towards his car, and after driving for about an hour, we arrived at a ticket booth. "Evan, where are we?" "This is a drive-in movie theater." "Cool."

Once Evan parked the vehicle, we got out of the vehicle and sat on the hood. "Evan, what is the name of this movie?" "I have no idea, but the trailer looked interesting." "You brought me to a movie that you don't know the title of." "Yes." I let out a small giggle. Tonight was perfect. We rode bumper cars, went into a haunted house, and now we're on the hood of the car watching a movie with the stars out. How did we ever have problems?

"Stella?" "Huh." "I have something to tell you." "What is it?" "I have fallen in love with you all over again." "Evan, I have fallen for you as well." Evan leaned closer to me and placed his left hand on the cheek of my face. We stared deeply into each other's eyes until I decided to make a move. I pulled Evan closer to me and kissed him. First, the kiss was slow, then more passion got involved. Kissing Evan was like finding happiness. I felt like I could tell Evan anything and he would be understanding. As much as I felt whole when I was with Evan, I wasn't completely whole. I needed to know something, and if there was anyone I trusted, it was Evan. Which is why I stopped kissing him and gently pushed him off of me.

"Did I do something wrong?" "Evan, will you lie to me?" "Where is this coming from?" "Evan, do I have a brother? I got a memory of him yesterday, and that's all I've been thinking about." "Honestly, I don't know. I don't know anything about you except that you are strong, independent, and amazing." "What do you mean you don't know anything about me?" "There's something you should know, but I'm not allowed to say it. There are secrets that have been kept from you. If you want to know if you have a brother, you must find out those secrets." Before I could say anything, Carson popped out of nowhere.

"Evan, Stella, how are things going?" "Crap." I heard Evan whisper under his breath. "We're good, dad." I spoke. "Stella, I think it's time for you to go home. "After all, you have school tomorrow." "Yes dad. Come on, Evan, let's go.

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