Worst Part

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Sleep is my favorite thing. I love it so much that I could possibly become a murderer if someone woke me up. So, why will someone test my murder skills by ripping my bedsheets off of me, opening up the curtain so the sun is beaming on my face, and play some loud freaking music? I better win a billion dollars. I opened my eyes to find Alex dancing to whatever music she was playing. "Why are you waking me up? I thought we had a teacher workday?" "We do. I woke you up because there's this party I want to go to." "It's 9am." "I know, the party doesn't start till 6 p.m. Anyway, I want to go shopping." "It takes you ten hours to shop?" I questioned. "I'm a very picky girl, but I actually want to go shopping around five." "I thought the party started at 6?" I questioned. "It does, but I like to be fashionable late." "Then why did you wake me up?" "Zoey wants to hang out, so I told her I would wake you." "Ughhh. Alright, let me get dressed."

I made my way out of the most comfortable bed I have ever laid on, or at least remember. After I washed and got dressed, I made my way towards the living room, where I found Zoey watching TV. "Hey, sis, how do you feel about going to my favorite band that is having a concert at eleven?" "Sure." I said as I sat beside Zoey.

"Hey Zoey?" "Yes." "I'm sorry you are not happy. I know it's hard to pretend to be happy and act like everything is okay when I can't even remember you." "You heard the conversation from last night." "Yeah." "I suffer from depression." Zoey said with tears in her eyes. "I pretend to be happy, but in reality, I cry myself to sleep every night. I'm not happy, and every day it gets harder to pretend I am. I lost someone I really loved, and I will never get her back. She was the reason I smiled every day, the reason I laughed, and the reason I felt joy in my life. She was everything to me. So yes, I am not happy. Someone I loved died with no warning from life that she was going to disappear. Not only do I not have her, I have to pretend I'm okay without her." Zoey had tears rolling down her cheeks. "You don't have to pretend with me. Zoey, I am here for you, even if I can't remember who you are talking about. You do not have to pretend with me. I'm not going to do that to you. You can talk about her with me whenever you want. You don't have to say her name, but if you ever want to talk about her or cry about her, you can come to me." "You're too kind."

"That's what sisters do." "Yea." I leaned over to give Zoey a hug, and pretty soon all her tears fell upon my shoulders.

"Thankyou." "Anytime." "Are you ready to leave?" "Yep." "Come on." I followed Zoey towards her car. We drove an hour and thirty minutes to see this band live. "So, what is this band name?" "It's a great band called "Midnight Stars."" "Never heard of them." "You'll like them."

After three hours of listening to this band, I found a great interest in their music. Pretty soon, Zoey and I were on our way back home. "So, what did you think about the band?" Zoey asked. "I actually really like them." "I told you." "You were right." After being in the car for two hours, we finally pull up towards the house. Once we pulled up, I saw Evan's car parked in the yard.

When I went inside the house, I saw Evan watching football with my father. "Hey, babe." Evan said, averting his eyes towards me. "Hey, I didn't know you liked football." "Yeah, I love it. How was the band?" "It was amazing. I had tons of fun." "I'm glad. Want to watch the game?" "Nah, I think I'm going to take a nap before Alex wakes me up." "Alright, sleep well."

. . . . .

I got to the passenger side, feeling excited for what was to come next. I looked over at the driver, and I could tell that wasn't Alex. This was a dude, and he was taller than Evan, so this couldn't be him. I couldn't figure out who exactly this guy was because his face was burly. Fear came over me, but at the same time, I was calm. I didn't know this dude, so why do I feel safe with him? Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a truck going about 80 miles to my right. Before I could speak, the truck crashed into us, making us flip over. I looked over at the mysterious driver, who was unconscious. I heard a car door open. I turned my head to find a guy in a blue mask walking over towards me and sticking me with a needle. "Hey, what are you doing?" That was all I was able to say before I passed out.

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