deeper and deeper

31 2 1

Sunny woke up to see that Basil had left.

He likely had to go, he was hugging him for a long time...he wondered where he went..

"O-oh Sunny y-your up! T-the doctors wanted a check up and it's your turn,I was just about to wake you up!"

"Oh ok,thanks basil"

-after the check up-

"Annnd there you go,all good!"

"Thanks ma'am"

"No problem"

"Would you like to see your friend?"

"Y-yes please"

The lady walked Sunny over to Basil's room. Basil was sitting on the bed

"I'll leave you two alone now,take care!"


"So Sunny is there a reason that you were hugging me for so long?"

Sunny froze, he couldn't tell basil about headspace! More or less about how stranger was acting!How would he explain it? What would basil think of him if he did?

"If I told you you'd probably think I'm insane.."

"Sunny! Nothing you say would make me think you're insane.."

"Alright... you asked for it"

Sunny told basil everything, about headspace,omori,stranger and most important,the situation

"I know it sounds weird but-"

"No no, actually it explains a lot"

"It does..?"

"Yeah! It seems stressful with the situation.. besides atleast i know where you were for these four years"


"You know what? I would be cool if you could bring people in your dreams..."

Sunny thought for a moment, what if he could? If he could make liveing things, why couldn't he show them to other people? The logic was stupid but they could still try right?

"Mabye I can"

"S-sunny what are you talking about?"

"We don't know for sure"

"Sunny that's stupid,I can't just go into your mind....can I"

"let's test it out"

"Your really going to sleep in that chair?"


"Suit yourself"

"Goodnight basil"

"Goodnight Sunny..."

Basil held Sunny's hand,basil didn't expect it to work but...just to be sure...

Soon enough basil woke up in a white room a shadow figure and...

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