unexpected surprises

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Basil and Sunny stood there. They stared at mari. Mari stared back.

"You two ok?You froze..."

"M-mari is t-that really you..."

"Of course it's really me Sunny! Who else could it be? Come on, get in the car, we wouldn't want to leave the others waiting!"

"O-ok m-mari"


Sunny said in a loud whisper

"We don't have much of a choice, Sunny, we have to go."

"Fine. But it's on you if we get kidnapped."

"What are you two waiting for? We don't have all day!"

Sunny and Basil reluctantly followed her.

--while driving--

"So Sunny it's been a while, how are you? How's your eye doing Eh?"

"M-my eye is doing fine, thank you."

Basil took a deep breath, someone has to do it.

"I-I think i-i'll break the ice, m-mari...how did you come back from the dead..."

Mari stopped dead in her tracks. She was afraid of this. She...she didn't want to talk about it. At the very least not right now....

"....That is.... something we can put off for later. We don't have to talk about it right now..."

"I-I understand..."

"...but I dont..." Sunny growled quietly. Because it was true, he didn't understand. He didn't get why Mari was doing this? Was that really her? If so, how was she back? WHY was she back? To get revenge? To somehow show her forgiveness? No, at least Sunny wasn't. A part of him still thought that he didn't deserve Basil....

Sunny was stressed.
About everything.
About headspace
About Mari
About his mom
About omori
About life.....

He wanted to end it all. Only thing that was keeping him alive was basil. But that might not even last. Sunny might do something wrong or say something wrong and bam it was over.

....mabye he's being to harsh with himself, knowing basil he would die for the ones he loves. It would take a lot for him to break up with someone.

"Were here!"

"Wait.... this is Sunny's house?"

"Haha yep! I bought it! Apparently the one who was originally buying it declined so I got it so me and Sunny could stay in farway!"

"Annnd Basil you will be spending the night today! Polly got a bag for you inside!"

"Oh well uh,thanks I guess"

"No problem! Hey Sunny why don't you go hang out with basil while I unpack?"

"Umm ok"

They decided to go to the park to meet up with the others

"Sunny! Basil! Yall are out of the hospital!"


"Soo what do you wanna do"

"Sunny can we go to the tree house? Pretty pleaseee"

"It's pretty old.."


"Yeah Sunny, pleaseee"


--at the treehouse--

"Y'know, it's pretty boring here"

"Yeah, it kinda is"

"Ohhh boyss"

"Oh hey mari!,hey Aubrey"


"Look what I brought! I thought that you guys would be hungry"


Now this was weird. Even for Sunny. Everyone acted like nothing happened except for him and basil. He was tired.
He ended up laying on Basil's lap,which was actually comfortable

Sunny fell asleep...

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