confess now.

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"S-so stranger w-what about b-basil"

"You like him,don't you"

"W-well I"



"You're repressing that fact sunny, keep this up and you become a shut-in again, and we really don't want that do we"

"So how? What are you trying to say?"

"You need to confess to him"


"You heard me, confess to him"

"How will I confess to him?what if he rejects me? Wh-"

"You'll be finee"

Stranger pushed Sunny through the door

"Now go out there"

"Wait a minute Stranger where are you going?!"

"Just to check on omori,leave you two alone"


Stranger left

                          Basil's pov:
Sunny and Stranger were acting weird, stranger wanted to talk to Sunny about him and now Sunny's face is red.... could Sunny actually like him back...? There was only one way to find out.


"Y-yes Sunny"

"I have to tell you something"

"T-the t-thing is"

"I-um l-like you..."

Basil's heart fluttered. Did Sunny really just say that he liked him?! Was this real?

"W-will you go out with me"

"Yes!yes! A thousand times yes!"

"You w-will? Did I really just say that"

Basil was still squealing from excitement, Sunny was covering his extremely red face with his hands

Basil started squeezing Sunny

"B-basil i cant breath"

"Oops, sorry Sunny"

"It's fine"

"We should probably wake up now"

"Before you do that can you two love birds come with me?"

"Yeah sure"

They followed stranger to omori's room

"I assume this is omori"


"What did you want to show us stranger?"


Stranger took omori arm and revealed cuts, at least 10 or more

"Whatever he's doing to himself in his sleep it's giving affect on his real body"

"Your telling me he cutting himself!?"

"Do you think that I like it?No! I'm as angry as you are"

"Ok,ok settle down, yes,this is a problem but we can't do anything until he wakes up"

"You're right"

"We have to wake up, we still have a day left you know"

"I know"

Basil grabbed some knifes "let's go"

Sunny and Basil stabed themselves.

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