ah shit

36 0 6

(Sorry for not posting in awhile, lack of motivation, enjoy the story)

--at the room--

                          Bee's pov:
I did NOT trust stranger, something wasn't adding up. How could that guy find out with out help!? It made zero sense, I've only known for a bit but it still kinda hurts y'know. I guess I wish I could of at least KENW him. Although, I can't be too rash can I? We were born when he was still a pre-teen to mid-teen so of course he wouldn't of known would he? It still makes me angry, infuriated, stranger is lying isn't he? He BETTER not be getting all buddie buddie with him.


"Yes my beloved sister?

"Get on the vents. now."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because we're exposing a liar"

                      Stranger's pov:

We are now at the room.

I opened the door.

There not here thank God.

"I'm checking his wrists"

"Ok...oh stranger! What do you think or know what omori likes so we can surprise him with it!"

"Uhhh I know he likes more inclosed spaces but not much else"

"Hmm maybe we'll learn more when he wakes up"

Despite omori being his little brother he didn't know much about him,likey because he didn't intract with him much... mabye he can make up for it.


"What is it sunny!?"

"There's just more cuts."


"It's not your fault,it's mine."

"Don't blame yourself, you were 12-15 at the time, you didn't know."

"If I had said anything sooner..."

"Stranger no.."

"It's ok, I'm sure he'll be up soon... let's just go"

"If you say so..."

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