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Sunny hung out with basil. They mostly talked about who was taking him in. It had to be someone he was close to... maybe kel? It was all so confusing and .........strange......... Sunny shrugged it off. As long as him and Basil had each other right?

"Hey Sunny..?"


"We'll always help each other... right?


Ah,ah. Ok..."

"Hey,hey, is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing,I'd rather ask when we're out of the hospital..."

"If you say so..."

Sunny felt uneasy... basil was hiding something and he knew it. He didn't like that Basil wasn't telling him the truth. He was a bit mad. Could it be about headspace? Basil said that he would ask when they were out of the hospital,he just had to wait it out.....

Basil's pov:

I could tell Sunny was upset. I would to if Sunny was keeping something from me...but I can't tell him. Not yet at least.. he didn't know how Sunny would react to taking care of them... he didn't want it to go to fast! He... he wanted reassurance that, when he did ask,Sunny would help him take care of them.

"Sunny and basil?"

"Yes? That's us"

"Here are your clothes! You are good to go"

"Oh- uhh thanks? I thought I was tomorrow?"

"Yeah I agree with Sunny. This is a bit early..."

"That's the surprise! You two are going home early!"

"Ok... thanks I guess"

"Hurry, the person that is picking you up is waiting!"

"Ahh ok"

--after getting dressed--

"Are you ready Sunny?"


After going down the stairs

"So Sunny exited that were finally leaving"



Basil stopped dead in his tracks. Sunny did the same.

"Sunny!Basil! It's been so long! Just look at how much you two have grown!"


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