healing..........or at least trying to!

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                      3rd person pov:

They woke up in greyspace. Stranger watering the house plant.

"Ah, you two are back..."

He tossed the watering can and it vanished into the roof

"So... need anything?"


"Oh uh ok... wanna go do something?"

"Probably a vist to omori and we can figure it out from there"

"Before that I need to do something,be right back"

                      Stranger's pov:

Bee (headspace Aubrey) and velvet (headspace basil) were visiting at the time, if they found out the he was getting soft with their father he was in deep shit. Basically his lie would go as followed, he would say that he was spying on them, next he would say that he over-herad Sunny say something about visiting omori, next he would tell them to go way from his room to be safe.

Perfect plan





"How the hell did he figure out!?"

"I don't know! But you guys need to leave before any drama happens"

"Fine... we'll go"


He hung up

"Stranger,are you ready?"


"Then let's go then"

"Yup, let's go..."

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