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After Sunny woke up he got some water. He really needed to think about what stranger had told him. He knew that stranger was reliable but still, what happened to omori? Who exactly was this inner demonof omori's?Sunny decided to go to Basil's room and to leave headspace with stranger he knows what hes doing,right..?

When he walked in the room he saw Kel,Aubrey, and Basil,worried...

"Hero is missing!"

"He's what"

"A-apparently kel h-hasn't seen him home since yesterday...they've tried calling but no use..."

"I'm extremely worried about him!he's never done something like this!"

"I'm sure he'll turn up soon"

"Hope you're right..."

"Other then...that how are you guys?"

"Pretty chill if you ask me"

"That's good"

"How about you Sunny"

Sunny was didn't want his friends to worry about him.He had a lot to deal with.

"I'm good,I don't really do much"

"Same as always!"


"Oh it's my mom!we have go now!


"Come back soon"

"Hey Sunny want to do something?"

"Eh kinda just want to sleep"


"Is 'Sunny Suzuki here?"

"Yes that's me"

"We have something regarding your mom..."

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