Chapter 1

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"Where are you going? You can't leave yet. You know they're going to want yours, too." Zeke panicked pleas echoed throughout the empty corridor, but Zac refused to look back at his older brother or return to the conference room to take yet another DNA test. "Yo, Zac! Man, we need you." His late father's namesake and the only other full-blooded child born to both Ezekiel and Lilian Taylor picked up speed to catch up with Zac . Their other supposed siblings whose mothers often attached the Taylor last name on their birth certificates always appeared in their lives with a big question mark and lots of paperwork... except for today. Today Zac knew his dad had fathered that kid. Punching the elevator button, he willed it to come sooner rather than later. With both hands jammed into his pockets and his five-ten frame facing forward, Zac sighed realizing his brother still didn't get the message he tried sending him before walking out of their lawyer's office. "Return for what? Aren't you tired of this?" Zac ground out the words through his clenched teeth. "This is the eighth case since Dad died." "Yeah, but five of them were lying." "Well two of them obviously didn't. They even produced proof that Dad knew about them and had been sending money once he found out. No wonder they thought they deserved a piece of whatever he left his kids." Zac looked down into Zeke face, surprising himself with his own words. The elevator doors slid open and he stared into the empty enclosed space, willing his feet to take him inside. He wanted to eject himself from this moment. "Did you see him? You know that's Dad's kid." Zeke reached out to grip Zac's arm."Don't say that out loud. You know ever since Pops died that all these THOTs were going to jump out staking claim on what's ours." Zac turned around. "On what?" he growled out. "To claim the debt? The headaches from paying off baby mamas trying to keep all of this out the media? Us pushing them to give their child some last name other than Taylor?" "I know this is crazy but he was still our father." Zac rolled his eyes. "Listen this the last time I'm doing this." Zac said following his brother back to the room to take the test.

The day replayed itself in Zac's head, an endless loop of drama that could have been avoided if his father lived life simply by being a better man. Zac kept his eyes ahead, steering his Mercedes G-Class away from downtown Atlanta. His mind was busy searching for a way to silence the noise in his life and the breeze from the open windows helped him sort through those thoughts. He reached his exit and decided to take a slight detour. What Zac needed was a drink. After the Memorial Day bash last weekend, he knew his house was dry. A stop at the liquor store was in order. He also wanted a warm body to plunge into. Driving away his tension, stroke after stroke would be the ideal remedy for a stressful week. He gripped the wheel and blew out a harsh breath, as that thought was counterproductive. Sex was his father's antidote. His approach to casual sex would have to change. No little Zacs were going to come along and fuck up his world. Standing in the grocery store half an hour later, Zac knew there was no way he was going to go down like his father. Holding the plastic bag he got from the liquor store in his left arm, Zac bent at his waist so he could reach his preferred brand of condoms. Hearing giggles behind him, he turned to see two women staring at him. They were cute, but he already had a date that night with the bottle oh Hennessy inside the bag.The chocolate one gave him a once-over while the light skin one stared at the black box he just grabbed. Hungry eyes moved to his face and she grinned. "Hi," they said at once. Chocolate girl licked her lips and he grabbed three more value packs. The ladies giggled until Zac walked away toward the checkout lanes without as much as a backwards glance.

He wasn't using the condoms that night. He wanted to do a full assessment of his own sex life before breaking the seal on any of the boxes. "I need a price check," the cashier said as he approached a line. "Just great," Zac grumbled, standing behind a woman in a black fitted two piece suit. She was leaning against her cart. "I know. I don't get it either. Why would they only have two lines open?" The woman said. Zac looked down at her. She was curvy and had ass for days. Those hips was the perfect place for his hands when she was sitting on... "Shit! Do you mind holding my spot?" She turned to face him and her eyes widened as they traveled up his long frame. "I forgot... to... to... I forgot something." She reached to tuck her dark blonde-brown shoulder length hair behind her ear and stared at him with the biggest, prettiest eyes he'd ever seen. While lost in them, he realized he must have missed something she said. "Sorry. What was that?" he asked.

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