Chapter 18

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A week later.....

It's been a week since Zac and Fatima found out she was pregnant. Today they were going to the doctors to confirm it. "Babe hurry up. You're going to make us late." "Zac shut the hell up! I'm coming, damn." Fatima came down wearing a simple black two piece lounge set with her "Patent Bred" Air Jordan 1s and her red Gucci bag. She had her hair in a messy bun on top of her head. "I'm ready to go." She said giving a smile. "About time. You been up there forever." Fatima rolled her eyes. Zac grabbed Paris and led two of his favorite ladies out the house to the car. He opened Fatima's door before putting Paris into her car seat. He got into the driver's seat and made sure everyone was secure and safe before driving away.

They got to the appointment and checked in. "Hello, my name is Fatima Wilson and I have an appointment with Dr. Neil." "Oh yes, let me get you checked in. If you could fill out this paperwork and we'll call you when she's ready." The nurse replied. Fatima took the paperwork and they sat down waiting to be called. "Are you nervous?" Fatima asked Zac? "No, why you ask that?" "Because you bouncing your leg up and down since we sat down." Zac looked down. Oh my bad I guess I am a little nervous." Fatima placed a hand on his cheek and caressed it with her thumb. "Everything will be okay."

"Fatima Wilson, she's ready for you." They make their way to the back room. There they took all her vitals and her weight. "Undress please and put this gown on and she'll be right in." Fatima did as she was told and Zac sat down in one of the chairs while holding a sleeping Paris. "My baby is really tired." Fatima says looking over at Paris in Zac's arms. Just then the doctor walks in. "Hello Miss Wilson. I'm Dr. Neil." "Nice to meet you. This is my husband Zachary and our daughter Paris." "Awww she's so adorable. Well I hear you believe you may be pregnant?" "Yes, I just want to confirm it and make sure everything is okay."
"Understandable. I will just do an ultrasound to see how far along you are."

The doctor squirt a cold jelly like substance on Fatima stomach and used the transducer to see if she could see a baby. A few seconds later a sound filled the room.
"So it looks like you are pregnant and that there is your baby heartbeat." Fatima eyes filled with tears and when she looked over at Zac so was his. "Can you tell how far along she is?" Zac asked the doctor. "She is about 16 weeks." Fatima and Zac looked at each with the biggest grin on their face. "What?" The doctor asked. "Oh nothing we just know exactly what day this baby was conceived." They laughed.

They finish with the appointment and made another appointment to come back in 4 weeks to see what the gender is. "Babe how you feeling?" Zac asked Fatima. "I feel wonderful. We are really adding on to our family and I'm just so happy that I'm doing this with you." "Yeah, I feel the same way. I hope it's a girl so I can have a mini you." "Oh no we got Paris so I need my boy." Fatima replies rubbing her stomach. "Too bad it's a girl I feel it." "Want to bet?" "Hell yeah!"
"Okay, so if I win you have to buy me a new car and I want a trip to Greece." "Okay and if I win I want season tickets to the Atlanta Hawks games AND you have to do whatever I say with no back talk for two weeks. Deal?" Fatima smacked her lips. "Deal." They shook on it.


It's been 4 weeks since their last doctor appointment and it's also's Fatima's birthday. Zac got up early to get dress and let the chef in to cook Fatima breakfast before heading to their appointment. He laid out her clothes because he had a whole day set up for her. After letting the chef out he went upstairs to wake up Fatima. "Babe wake up." "I'm tired Zac. Can I get 10 more minutes please?" "Ti baby, you have to get up or we will be late to our appointment." Fatima groan and sat up stretching her arms. "Happy Birthday baby." Zac said handing Fatima a gift bag. "Awww Zac you shouldn't have." "I mean I can return it." Zac says trying to grab the bag back. Fatima slaps his hands away. "Zac stop playing with me." Fatima opens the bag and seen a green Rolex box she opens it and see a pink face Rolex. "Omg Zac! How did you know baby?" "You're my woman. I know everything." She threw herself into his arms and start kissing him all over his face. "Alright babe, I love your kisses but you need to go take a shower and brush your teeth. Your breath kicking like karate baby." "Wow that's how you going to do me on my birthday?" "I love you baby but whew chile." Zac starts laughing.

Fatima gets up and heads to take a shower

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Fatima gets up and heads to take a shower. While she gets ready Zac made his way to go wake Paris and get her dressed. She was spending a day with his mom after the appointment. "Hey daddy's baby." "Dada" she says putting her hands out to get picked up. Zac picks her up and gives her a quick bath before getting her dress and doing her hair. "Okay then, daddy's baby looks good!" Zac says hyping up his daughter. She starts smiling and clapping her hands together. "Let's go find mommy." Zac picked her up and went to see if Fatima was dressed. "GOT DAMN BABY!" You look good enough to eat." "Boy stop before we miss our doctors appointment." Paris puts her hands out towards Fatima. "Mommy." Fatima walks over to Zac and grabs Paris from him. "WOW! So just forget daddy, huh?" Zachary don't be a hater. Good morning my beautiful baby. Are you ready to see your little brother?" "You mean her little sister." Fatima looks at Zac and rolls her eyes. "No, I said exactly what I meant Zachary."

Zac led the girls downstairs to the dining area where Fatima's birthday breakfast was set up. "Omg Zaaac! You didn't have to do all this." "Yes I did. You are my woman and I want you to have an amazing birthday. The three sat down and ate breakfast before heading to the appointment. "Are you nervous?" Zac asked Fatima. "No, not at all. I know it's a boy and I know he is going to look just like me." "Ha! You are so hilarious Ti if you think that. I'll let you have your moment because it's your birthday." Fatima ignored him and turned up the music in the car. Zac just laughed.

"Hello, we're here for our appointment with Dr. Neil."
The nurse checked them in and advised she will call them when she is ready. Fatima and Zac sat down. Fatima ignored Zac because she had an attitude. "So you really mad at me because I said we having another girl?" Fatima continued to ignore him and play with Paris. "Fatima stop playing with me." She sighed. "You suppose to be on my side and you going against what I want." Zac chuckled. "You can't be serious?" Fatima gave him a death stare. Zac put his hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry babe. We are having a boy and he is going to be beautiful like his mother." Zac said placing kisses on her temple and forehead. "I'm sorry Zac. These hormones are kicking my ass. I shouldn't be mad at you because you want another girl." He just caresses her face and kissed her lips.

"Fatima Wilson. Dr Neil is ready for you." They walked to the back and Fatima changed into a gown. "Good morning to my favorite black couple. Are you guys ready to see what we're having?" "Yes!" They say in unison. The doctor applies the gel to Fatima's stomach and moves the transducer around until they heard the heartbeat. "I can never get tired of hearing that sound." Zac says. "Me too baby." Fatima replies. Everything looks good and your baby is very active today." "Will you be able to tell us what the gender is today still?" "Oh yes of course. It looks like you are having a........."

Are y'all team boy or team girl?

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