Chapter 14

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The next morning, Zac woke up with Fatima in his arms and he couldn't believe how lucky he was. He really had the most intelligent, sweetest, and compassionate woman ever and he vowed he was never going to take her for granted again. Ever. They had woken up early, had another amazing  round of sex in the shower and after they went back to sleep. Zac was now up just admiring the love of his life. Not long after Fatima awakened from her sleep with Zac's eyes on her. "Here you go again being creepy watching me in my sleep." "Im sorry you're just so damn beautiful." He replied placing a kiss on her lips. Fatima stretched and moved from under Zac to go pee and brush her teeth. After doing her daily morning routine she decided that now was the perfect time to give Zac the gift she had gotten him. "Zac baby are you ready for your birthday gift?" "So what we did last night and this morning wasn't my gift?" Because i mean that thing between your legs was the best gift I was ever given. He said with a smirk. "You always gotta be nasty huh?" "When it comes to you baby, I'll always be nasty." He said licking his lips. Fatima shook her head smiling while walking to the closet to get his gifts from the closet. When she returned with his gift bag in her hand  Zac was sitting at the edge of the bed with nothing but his boxers on and that made Fatima's mouth water. "What's this, Ti?" he asked, looking down at the gift bag Fatima was now handing over to him. They both loved the color black so Fatima made sure to get the gift bag and boxing in that color. "I wanted to give you your birthday present in private," She explained and watched as he opened the bag.

"That's why my gift wasn't with everyone else's yesterday when you were opening up your gifts." His whole face lit up as he pulled out the first gift and Fatima continued speaking as he  opened the black and gold ribbon tied box. "I know how much you love music so I made a little something for you..." His eyes got big when he seen the gold chain sitting inside the box. The chain had a rectangular pendant hanging on its chain and engraved on the pendant was a Spotify code. "That's a Spotify code that you can scan at any time with your phone that will take you to the playlist I made for you. It's a collection of all the songs that remind me of you." He lifted it and stared at it like it was the greatest thing he had ever seen. "I'm not done," She told him with a smirk. "Open the bag again." He did as he instructed and pulled out a red Cartier box. He opened it and saw a custom Cartier chain bracelet with 'Zac' engraved into it. Fatima was so happy to spend money on her man because he spoils her and Paris so much and he deserves the same in return."Fatima this is so damn nice." "I'm not done there is one more box. He grabbed the last gift and when he opened the box tears filled his eyes. She got a 3D photo crystal made of him and Paris. It was picture Fatima took when the two took a nap and Paris was laying on his chest. Zac was now looking up at Fatima allowing her to see the tears now streaming down his face. "Thank you so much." He whispered.

You are an amazing woman. Do you know that? I'm so lucky to have you... so fucking lucky. You mean everything to me." He lifted from the bed and walked closer to Fatima.  "I love you."His lips joined Fatima's and that was all it took for Fatima to wrap her arms around his neck. Zac held onto her and before they knew it they were tonguing each other down. Within minutes they were naked and Zac had Fatima under him, moaning out how much he loved her while he filled her deep with the hardest part of him.
Zac had Fatima feeling like she was floating each time she heard him say how much he loved her. She knew he loved her before he had even said it but his confirmation was everything she needed. Words of affirmation were one of her love languages and she needed to hear Zac declare to her that he loved her. Now that he had, she truly believed she was the luckiest woman on this earth.

After their passionate round of sex, Fatima knew that Zac had to head to go get Paris from the sitter. She didn't want him to go along so they both got up showered and got dressed. Today the three would spend the day together before Fatima had to leave the next day for a business trip. She would be gone a week and really dreaded leaving them that long.

They made there way to the car and Zac opened her door for her before making his way to the driver's side. Fatima noticed when he got in the car he was wearing the chain and Cartier bracelet she got him. Zac placed his hand on her thigh while they made the drive to go get Paris. "So Ti since you met my family when will I meet your parents and siblings?" Zac asked quickly glancing at her. "Ummmm.....soon baby. Real soon." Zac gave her a confused look. "Um okay." They drove singing have car karaoke and just vibing while they drove.

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