Chapter 11

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After responding to Fatima's text message Zac dapped up his home boys and made his way out the door. As he was walking out a girl grabbed him trying to get his attention. "Hey daddy where you going so early?" Zac moved her hands off of his arm. "Please don't touch me and I'm a taken man. Zac left the thot ass girl where she stood. Zac got to his car and made his way home first to shower. After he got out the shower and changed he packed a bag for the night and made his way back to the car.

Tima 😍🍑: Where the hell are you?

Zac laughed at her text and tossed his phone to the passenger seat. He arrived at her house and grabbed his bag. As he was closing his door he looked up and Fatima was standing in the doorway with her arms crossed. He smirked and made his way towards the door. "What took you so long!" She said to him as he kissed her on her cheek and walked pass her to enter the house. Fatima closed and locked the door behind him and when she turned around he pushed her against the door planting a sloppy wet kiss against her mouth. She moaned out as he moved from her mouth to suck on her neck. "Omg Zac baby that's my spot!"
Zac stopped and place his forehead on hers and whispered to her, "Where is the bedroom baby?" Fatima faintly said, "Upstairs to the left." Zac picked Fatima up throwing her over his shoulder before making his way to the master bedroom. When Zac pushed open the door he saw the lights in the room were dim and it smelled like vanilla and lavender.
Zac walked over to the front of the bed and placed her on her feet. He looked at her never breaking eye contact as he untied her silk robe. Once the robe dropped to her feet he placed multiple kisses on her lips while caressing her breast. He then kissed her neck before placing a kiss on her shoulder blade.

"I can't get enough of touching you." he whispered, voice thick with desire. Neither can I, Fatima thought. "You've gotten inside my head," he told her as he moved his hand down and flicked his thumb over her clit. He chuckled when Fatima gasped and her hips rocked up to greet him. "I have?" she moaned. "Yes, baby, you have." Zac slid a finger along her wet folds then dipped in between, twirling his finger just outside the opening. "You're so fucking wet." No, she was soaked and in a few minutes she hoped to
be flooded. Zac sucked her juices off his fingers before placing both his hands on her face and kissing her. "You have such a beautiful body," Zac said. He then told her to lay down on the bed, "I want to taste you."

"Zac..." she began, but he shook his head. "Not a word, not a move, Tima. Not until you cum inside my mouth." She took a deep breath, her chest expanding as she prepared for him. Zac bent his head low. His lips kissed the soft flesh between her legs, then he slid his tongue along her folds before dipping inside. "You taste good." He said, warm breath rushing over her clit. His fingers had been magical, but his tongue was
insane and sent her soaring toward the edge.
"Yes!" she cried. Zac dived in deeper. Need shot through her, demanding the pressure of his tongue to give her release. Fatima grabbed his head guiding him and pushing him closer, even though he didn't need help because he was driving her insane. Fatima looked down and caught Zac gazing up at her. He lifted his head slightly and there it was, her juices dripping down the corner of his lips. She shivered with pleasure. The sight was such a turn-on! He went back to work, stroking her clit with his tongue, caressing her ass with his hands. And she was not at all surprised when within minutes her body was shaking. And he knew she was close, she was sure he saw it on her face, heard it in the whimpers and pleas spilling from her lips. Hell yeah, she wanted it. She wanted everything Zachary Taylor had to give. "Zaaaac! Baby!" Zac kept licking and sucking while he placed two fingers in her entrance causing her to lift off the bed. Fatima body started shaking more as she exploded all over his face.

"Damn!" Zac said. He lift up and got undressed. He made his way back to her and hovered over her. "I want to make love to you. It's been so long Tima baby since I've been inside of you and I just want to take my time with you and make you call my name over and over. Fatima bit her lower lip and placed her hands on his face and brought him closer to her. They start to kiss so passionately and both moaned out with pleasure. Zac placed a pillow behind her lower back to lift her up some and threw her legs over his shoulder. He rubbed his penis up and down her inner folds lubricating it with her juices before he enter her. First stroke they both let out a loud moan. "Oh fuck Zac!" "Oh fuck Tima baby!" He continue to stroke slowly, in and out. "You feel so fucking good baby. I've missed being inside you." Zac says as he continues giving her slow sensual strokes. "Zac....Zac...Zac! Yes!" He started picking up the pace and that made here go crazy. She threw her head back unable to hold the orgasm that was coming. "Baby I'm about to cum!" She moaned out. "That's it baby...let it go for daddy!" He continued stroking faster and deeper causing her to whimper with pleasure.

Fatima started shaking as she reached her second orgasm of the night. Zac wasn't done with her yet. He told her to flip over on to her knees and arch her back. She did as she was told. He re-enter her from the back with so much force they both cried out. "Fuck!" They say in unison. He started out slow kissing her back as he stroked in and out. "You're so damn beautiful and pussy so fucking good. You not going anywhere." Fatima couldn't respond. He was driving her crazy.
Zac picked up the pace and start giving her the best back shots she has ever had. "I'm never coming up off this nigga." She thought to herself. "Fatima who it belong to?" "Zaaac it's yours baby. It belong to you and only you." He smirked "I know that's right." The room filled with whimpers and ass clapping as Zac continue to give her back shots. Fatima started shaking and her walls started tightening around his penis so he he she was about to cum. "Cum for me baby. Give me all of it." Not longer after they both came hard and collapsed onto the bed. But they wasn't done yet........

Zac woke up to discover he wasn't in bed alone and a beautiful woman was curled beside him. He did a full-body stretch as the memories came rushing back. And he summed it up in one word. Incredible.
Him and Fatima had been in her room making love all night and he couldn't get enough of her. He was addicted, no more like obsessed. He wanted to be around her all the time. She completed him. Zac shifted his head to the left and gazed at her beautiful face. A pillow cushioned her head. She was in a deep sleep and snoring so softly that he actually found the sound sexy. She was lying face down, head turned towards him. She was so damn gorgeous and he wouldn't mind waking up to her every morning. He loved this woman so much and she didn't even know. He knew he made a mistake but he was willing to do whatever to fix it as long as he could have her in his and Paris life. He just wanted to prove it to her. Zac got up threw on his shorts grabbed his bag and phone and made his way to the bathroom. He did his morning routine before placing the call.
Zac: "Hey my boy I need your help."
Unknown: "What's up? You know I got you."
Zac told who was ever on the other end what he need them to do and let him know when it was done. He disconnected the call.

"What are you doing up?" Zac got startled when Fatima snuck up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I had to use the bathroom and make a call. What you doing up?" "The bed was lonely without you." Zac lifted one of her hands and kissed it. "Well let's go back to bed." "Well I was thinking we could do something else." She said rubbing her hands down his chest from behind him. "Oh really? What you would that be?" He ask turning to face her with a smile. Fatima kissed him and he picked her up while deepening the kiss. She had her legs wrapped around his waist as he mad way back to the bedroom. He placed her gently on the bed. "Tell me what you want." "I can show you better than I can tell you." She replied with a smile and a wink.

So I was suppose to upload this last night but I fell asleep while I editing it. 😂 Forgive me Jesus didn't mean to be nasty on a Sunday.

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