Chapter 8

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Zac touched a panel behind them and the lamps on either side of the bed glare a soft light on the three of them. He took in the scene, Paris curled up in the middle of his bed with Fatima between them as they watched movies together. He reached out around Fatima to touch the baby's hair, amazed by its softness. "I can't believe baby cock blocker is still wide awake." Fatima laughed and her body shook against his. It was already tough having her back wedged up against his. Every time he moved to touch her, slipping his hand along her thigh beneath her nightshirt, Fatima swatted it away and whispered the baby's name to remind him they weren't alone. "Time for you to go to bed little one," Zac said looking down at Paris as he kissed the top of Fatima's head. "Now why does she have to go to bed?" Fatima asked. Pressing into her backside, Zac wrapped an arm around her. "Do you need any more clarification?" Her breath hitched and she blushed, which only made him harden more. "Come on baby girl ." "She can't go to sleep until I tell her a bedtime story." Zac groaned. "What about my bedtime story?" He stuck his tongue out at the baby when she smiled. "She's a spoiled brat." "So are you," Fatima teased him. "If I were I would've been had what I want." She swatted at his thigh. "Did I ever tell you about Prince Beignet and the kingdom of Café au Lait?" she asked the baby softly. "There once was a prince named Beignet..."


"Zac?" she whispered, waking him out of his sleep. "Hmm?" he mumbled, not opening his eyes. "She's sleep." "Hmm." "Pat is sleeping." He opened his eyes and saw her sitting beside him. Her nightshirt rose up her thigh as she sat with her legs crossed. And with the baby in her arms she was even more beautiful. "Do I just put her down in the crib?" she asked keeping her eyes on the baby. Together they looked like they belonged there... with him. Nothing else ever felt this right. All this playing out in front of him was the ultimate no-no for a guy like him. No babies. No maternal instincts. And damn sure no paternal ones. He nodded and fell back against his pillows. He was losing it.

Fatima returned from across the hall after putting Pat to bed, but Zac was not where she left him. She stepped further in the room and sat on the edge of the bed debating if she should remain or look for him. Reaching for the remote, she turned off the television and sat in silence. That's when she heard the faint sound of water running. Zac was in the shower. She pulled back the covers and was climbing in between the sheets when the bathroom door opened. Fatima looked up just as Zac's eyes locked with hers across the room. As he moved closer, she could see the droplets of water dripping down his face and running down his bare chest toward the towel around his waist. She swallowed staring at the bulge pressed against his towel. "You weren't going to wait for me?" he asked stopping beside her. He planted a knee on the edge of the bed and hovered above her. Beads of water fell from his body dampening her shirt. "Wait for?"
With his hands on either side of her, he dipped his head and he moved closer. "This." Pulling the covers away from her he kissed her, on a mission to take her breath away. His tongue grazed hers and she couldn't stop tasting him. As they melted together it was like rich chocolate, sweet caramel and candy coated goodness mingled with their tongues. When she recovered, catching her breath, Zac went back for more stealing it yet again. He took his hands and reached for her legs, hooking them beneath her knees. She gasped when he slid her body down the bed so she could be further beneath him. Grinning at her parted lips, Zac took the opportunity to slip his tongue back in her mouth. With his hard body pressed against her, Fatima still yearned to be even closer. Reaching for him, she wrapped her legs around his waist pulling him nearer. His towel unraveled, falling off him. Her hands roamed the smooth angles of his body and when she realized one less barrier was in the way, she reached for his firm behind and held him tight. As he pressed into her, Fatima pushed her hips up guiding his thick erection closer to her core, craving for him to heal where her body ached.

"I knew it," he murmured as he kissed along her neck. He slowed down to taste her skin, just as she started to do to him. Sighing from the feel of his tongue on her skin, she whispered, "Knew what?" He slowed down upon his approach to the valley between her breasts. "It's the quiet ones you gotta watch out for." She reached between them taking his heavy erection in her hand. She stroked and he moaned. "We know who isn't quiet," she teased. Zac rose above her and smirked with heavy eyes. He gazed between them watching her move her hand up and down his dick. She sped it up, pumping her hand faster, squeezing as she moved. His smirk vanished when his head rolled back. With the uneven rise and fall of his chest, she felt his dick continue to swell. Zac recovered, watching her as he eased his hand between her legs. He hooked a finger around her panties and with a quick tug they broke free. Slipping one of his long fingers inside, Zac stared down at her and she fumbled between strokes. "Oh."

His penetrating gaze watched her body respond to the slow, sensual stimulating thrust of his finger inside her as he massaged her clit with his thumb. "Now who is the quiet one?" "Stop. I. Need. To." she panted, trying to find her words between each thrust. "Stop," she whispered. "Why?" "Because... you're playing... dirty. You're... supposed... to be... screaming." "I don't scream, sweetheart, but you will." Squirming beneath him, she felt the weight of his penis as it rested on her inner thigh. "Mr. All Talk," she teased him knowing he was always ready with a comeback, except she didn't want the comeback to be a verbal one. "That's... all... you... got?" Zac chewed in the bottom of his lip and leaned forward. Ducking his head between her thighs, Fatima found enough strength to pushed up on her elbows to see what he was about to do next. But as soon as she felt him, she fell back against the pillows and shattered. "Oh," she called out when his tongue traced the edge of her... "Oh." She fought for one last start remark but he plunged his tongue deep inside her. "Ohhhh..." Zac continued to lick and suck until she couldn't hold it anymore. "Fuuuck Zac I'm about to come!" "Give me that shit baby." He continued until she reached her climax. Zac wiped his mouth and gave her a sloppy kiss before lining himself up with her super wet entrance and thrusting into her. "Fuck Tima it's like a damn waterfall. You tight as fuck too baby." "Oh Zaaac." He gave her slow sensual thrust making her go crazy. He can tell from how she tensed up she was on the verge of another orgasm. "Faster Zachary!" She moaned out. "Zachary?! Oh you must really like daddy dick." Zac then picked up the pace and not long after they both climax together.


Zac continued to rub her back not ready for her to get off him. She had collapsed on top of him some time ago and their hearts were still beating hard against each other. "Zac, you don't play fair." Her soft voice was barely audible against the sounds of their breathing. He kissed the top of her head. "Why do you say that?" "I told you I don't scream." She shifted to move, but Zac kept an arm around her waist so he could remain inside her. "Hate to disappoint you, baby, but you screamed tonight. A lot." "You damn sure didn't disappoint me," she said, kissing his chin. Fatima looked down in his face before nipping at his lips. "And for the record, that will never happen again." He moved his head closer to kiss her feeling himself grow firmer. "Wanna make a bet?" he asked and thrust deeper inside her.


A soft cry was heard while Zac got up to pee. He washed his hands and made his way to Paris. The soft glow of a plugin nightlight made it possible for him to see Paris was stirring awake but hadn't quite opened her eyes yet. She stopped, but he knew she was likely just getting started. He reached into the crib and placed a hand on her forehead before brushing his fingers against her cheek. Relieved she was not waking to a fever again, he considered whether he should leave or wait a few more minutes just in case she woke up. Zac caught Paris lip poking out. With care, he scooped her up when her cry began. Hushing her, Zac cradled her in his arm as he walked to the chair. "We can't wake up our house guest." Paris focused her eyes on Zac's and her cries got softer. Seeing how she was not ready to go back to sleep, Zac tried to test one of Fatima's proven techniques. "So Paris, what story do you want to hear tonight?"

Fatima went looking for him, ready to tell him she could take over watching the baby for the night. He often joked about losing sleep, but she knew his nights had to be shorter with a baby around. Stepping into the room across from Zac's, she walked to the crib to check on the baby before searching for him. A gentle snore got her attention and she turned to see him sleeping in the chair. Resting on his bare chest and under the protective hold of his hand was the baby, curled up against Zac resting just as peacefully as him. I'd give you ten Pats if I could wake up to this vision every morning. When Fatima realized what she was thinking, she took another good look at him and knew it wasn't the baby she was falling for. It was him.

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