Chapter 13

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Look at her... looking perfect as ever. How the hell does she look even better each time I see her? Zac thought to himself as Fatima descend the stairs. Her hair was big and curly how he loved it,her face painted with a soft glam make up look and her lips in a combo that always made Zac feel weak in the knees whenever she wore it. Brown lip liner and nude lip gloss. She's so damn sexy.  "Ti!" Zeke was the first to get up from his seat and greet her with a hug. "It's great to see you. You look pretty as always, baby girl." "Awww, thank you, Zeke I see you know how to clean up well." "I try my best," he replied. "But I don't look nowhere near as good as you do." Zac almost choked his own brother out for complimenting her and hugging her for what seemed too damn long. It's was Zac's birthday and he was having a small party at his house. "Happy birthday Zachary." Fatima said before leaning in placing a kiss on his cheek. Just hearing his name fall from her lips was enough to make a shiver go down his spine. It's been 2 months since he asked her to be his girlfriend and since that day they have been inseparable. Spending all their free time with each other. "Where's my hug?" She leaned into his embrace. Everything about having her in his arms felt perfect. And feeling her arms around his body was the greatest touch Zac had all night. "You look beautiful Tima baby." "And you look sexy as hell in that suit birthday boy. Can't wait to take it off later." She whispered in his ear. Those words did something to Zac and he was ready to say fuck the party and leave.

The party was still going on a couple hours later and they had just finish eating dinner. They now were giving toast to Zac and Fatima was last to go. "I don't want to go another day without you knowing how much I love you and how much I love waking up to you and Paris. I fell for you the first time I laid eyes on you and ever since then my feelings for you have gotten so much stronger. I love how much of a protector you are and the way you show up for those that you love. The way you show up for me... for Paris. When I'm with you, I feel at home, I feel safe. You're the man I want, Zachary. The only man I want. When I'm with you, I feel like I can do anything and everything. You motivate me in so many ways, my love. You're an amazing father, a hard worker and I don't want to live a life that you're not in. I don't want to be without you. I want to tell the whole world how I feel about you. I want everyone to know that I'm in love with the greatest and sexiest man ever. I love you, Zachary and Happy Birthday baby." Hearing her say those powerful words made Zac feel like the world was slowly disappearing around him. All that remained was him and her and he had never been more pleased to be in her presence. Zac wasn't much of a crier but this woman who stood next to him made him emotional. Her love was unmatched. Zac wiped the tears and cleared his throat. "So ummm yeah I think it's time for y'all to get up out of here." Everyone started laughing. "You ain't gotta go home but you gotta leave my damn house." "Zaaaaac!" Fatima said hitting him on the arm. "Don't be least offer them a doggy bag to go." Everybody started heading out laughing as they left the house.

As soon as everyone left Fatima attacked Zac's mouth making him moan. "I love the way you talk..." He pecked her lips. "The way you sing..." Then her neck. "The way you moan my name..." He kissed her collarbone. "The way you taste..." Fatima breath caught in her throat hearing him mention how she tasted and memories of him tasting her on the kitchen counter earlier before the chef arrived. "Can I please taste you?" "Anything for the birthday boy." Fatima led Zac to the bedroom and when they entered she started to slowly undress for him. He couldn't take his eyes off her. "Your turn." Fatima said seductively. Zac wasted no time getting undressed as well. Fatima climbed on the bed and Zac made his way to her and dropped to his knees staring face to face with the most amazing pussy he has ever seen or had. He took one lick across her clit and Fatima moaned. He kissed her inner thigh before rubbing her clit in a circular motion with his thumb. He then replaced his thumb with his tongue again. He sucked and licked until Fatima came.

"Zac," she called his name in the sexiest tone ever that had him wanting to stop all his teasing and bury himself deep inside of her. He lifted his mouth from her clit but didn't stop playing with it. "Please..." She inhaled sharply when the strokes of his thumb quickened. "I can't take it anymore. I need you." Zac didn't respond. His thumb continued to tease her. Zac slid his hand down his long thick penis and that was all it took for Fatima to bite her lips with an aroused stare. Zac lowered himself down between her open thighs and she reached for his face as Zac came closer to her. She branded her mouth to his and while they kissed, his hands went to her thighs which Zac spread further apart. Zac slowly pulled back, ending their kiss before it could get more heated. Zac looked down at her and saw the frown forming on her face. It was a frown that lasted for no longer than five seconds because Zac gently eased into her core, making her frown vanish. "Zaaaac." she whispered his name in a shaky tone and her hands that were on his face tightened their hold. He slowly pushed his penis all the way into her tightness and couldn't stop himself from groaning at how good she felt. Their eyes remained locked as Zac pulled out of her, only to push right back in and take his rightful place in his favorite spot. Zac needed to feel every part of her. Her pussy felt so warm and comforting like a brand-new home. This was a home he never wanted to leave. She was his home. Her moans began to get louder the more he sank into her wetness and moments later, she placed a hand over her mouth. Zac began to pick up the pace and her eyes widened. "Zachary! Baby! That's my spot!" She moaned out. "Zachary... you're driving me crazy."

"The same way you've been driving me crazy all mothafucking night... wearing that sexy ass dress making my dick hard as fuck... " She gasped when Zac pushed all the way into her without stopping. "Do you know how bad I've wanted to pull you away from everyone..." He slipped out of her and she cried out at my sudden withdrawal. "So I could have you naked for me like you are now and see you take this dick." Zac slid back inside her and didn't hold back on his strokes which only heightened her moans. He places his mouth to hers, muffling her moans while his pumps intensified. Zac couldn't stay quiet as he thrusted in and out of her. She felt too damn good and he didn't have it in him to remain silent. He had only been inside her for a few minutes and Zac was already feeling the urge to cum. Fatima did the unexpected when she drew her lips away from his and curled them around his right ear. "Shit, Tima." Zac heart zoomed into hyper speed and tingles rushed through his body at her figuring out one of his weaknesses without him having to tell her. She started sucking, biting, and licking his ear while moaning for him. "Why you being shy, baby?" she asked Zac seconds later. "You know you want to cum inside of me." This woman is going to be the death of me. Zac thought to himself. "Stop being shy, Zachary," she whispered "Cum for me." She was playing a very dangerous game by taunting him and Zac never wanted to dance with danger until now. Zac was never one to give up easily and even with how close he was, he didn't want to reach his climax before she did. But when it came to Fatima Wilson, he was like putty in her hands. All she had to do was grab his neck, make him look down at her and say the words, "Please, Zac... cum inside your pussy... right fucking now." Then he was spilling his load inside of her and as much as he had been reluctant to release before her, that reluctance was now completely gone. He wasn't even afraid of the thought of Fatima getting pregnant. He was willing to have a house full of kids as long as he could have her forever. "Fuuuuck," Zac groaned, feeling his seed fill her up and when he recovered moments later, he looked down to see her staring up at him with satisfaction.

"Fatima, you told me to cum inside of you." Zac gave her a serious look. "I never do that shit. I'm always strapped up." "I'm sorry..." Her chin dropped and her eyes left his. "I just got so caught up in the mo—" "What you apologizing for?" Zac frowned and leaned forward to lift her chin. "I wanted to do it but I'm not sure if you really wanted it, love." "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't want you to do it, Zac," she assured him. "I'm on birth control but I know the risks." She let out a light breath. "I liked the thought of you filling me up so I wanted it. I wanted all of you." Zac wasn't able to stop the smile that danced on his lips and he slowly caressed the tip of her chin, getting the nastiest thought in his head. "And I still want you, Zachary. You're the only man I want cumming inside me from here on out." "And if you get pregnant..." Zac couldn't believe they were talking about pregnancy this early on in their relationship but because of Fatima's kink for Zac to cum inside of her, it was a conversation that they needed to have sooner rather than later.

"I'm keeping it," she confidently stated. "Without a doubt." Zac wasn't about to pressure her into doing anything she didn't want to do. But boy was he happy at her saying that she'd keep his child because even if he was keen on not forcing her, he would definitely put up a fight trying to persuade her to keep their baby. "Let me find out you're tryna trap me with a baby before I put a ring on your finger." She giggled and slowly nodded. "Oh I'm most definitely trying to trap you into becoming my baby daddy. You're stuck with me for life, Zac." "I'm no one's baby daddy." He said basically repeating what Fatima had previously said before.

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