Chapter 16

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"You can take that box right there and take it to the master bedroom." Fatima said to the movers. Today was the day Fatima, Zac, and Paris were moving into their new home. "I can't believe we're really moving in together. Who would of thought we would of end up here?" "I did." Zac said giving her a kiss. "From the first day I saw you I knew you were it for me." He said holding her waist looking into her eyes. "You know how much I love you?" "Not as much as I love you. I would go to the ends of the earth for you." They just stood there staring at each other until Fatima felt little hands grab her legs. They both looked down and it was Paris wanting Fatima to pick her up. "Mama." Paris said lifting her hands to get picked up. Zac and Fatima looked at each other and then back to Paris. "Did she just call me...." "Yes she did." "Mama." Paris said again. Fatima picked her up with tears in her eyes. "Hey mama's baby." Fatima gave Paris a hug and planted kisses all over her cheeks. "Aww look at my favorite two girls." Zac said planting a kiss on both of their cheeks.

The movers finish moving all their stuff in and setting up everything and now they were sitting in the kitchen eating pizza. "Why you over there smiling so hard?" Zac asked. "I'm just happy thats all. You and Paris make me so happy." "You make us happy too." They finish eating before Fatima went upstairs to get Paris ready for bed while Zac straightened up the kitchen.
Fatima placed Paris in the tub and turned on Gracie's Corner bath time song. Paris loved her some Gracie's Corner. Paris got excited and start splashing the water. "Girl calm down splashing that water." Fatima said laughing. "What's going on in here?" Zac asked walking into the bathroom. He almost slipped and fell from all the water on the floor. "Our daughter thought it was a great idea to get me and her wet." "Our daughter huh? I like that." Fatima just smiled showing all 32s. They both finish giving Paris her bath and putting on her night clothes before they read her a bedtime story.

"I ran you a bath babe so you can relax. I know it's been a long day." "You not getting in with me?" "No, I'm going to start working on my man cave." Fatima stuck her lip out giving him the puppy dog eyes. "Fatima don't do that." "Do what?" She said with a smirk. She started undressing slowing and walking towards the bathroom. Before she could get in the tub completely Zac was walking into the bathroom naked. "I thought you had something to do?" "I can do that later. Girl move up so I can get behind you." Fatima started to laugh. They relaxed in the tub talking about everything under the sun and their future.

4 months later.....

"Oh shit! Right there baby!" Fatima moaned out as Zac stroked in and out slowly. "That's it baby. Take daddy dick." Zac picked up the pace some causing to Fatima moan out louder. "Zaaccc! I'm about to cum baby." "Shit! Hold it Fatima! You feel so fucking good and you about to make me cum." Zac flipped Fatima over so that she was on top. "Ride this dick." Zac growled out. Fatima did as she was told and start riding Zac spelling out her name in cursive causing Zac to moan and his toes to curl. "Oh fuck! Fatima I'm about to cum baby." "Me too!" Fatima kept riding until they both climaxed together. "Got damn Fatima!" Zac said panting. Zac and Fatima been going round after round for the last couple days while Paris was at Zac's mom's house. "I need a nap." Zac said "You got 10 minutes and then I'll be ready for another round." Fatima said. Zac looked at her like she was crazy. "Fatima I'm tired and we've been fucking all over this place since Paris left. I need some sleep babe." "So you don't want to have sex with me anymore?" Fatima states with an attitude. "That's not what I'm saying. I'm just tired baby." "Whatever Zachary." Fatima said rolling her eyes and getting up
from the bed. "Fatima! Fatima!" Zac called after her but she ignored him going into the bathroom and locking the door. "What the fuck has gotten into her?" He says out loud. Zac gets up and goes to the guest bathroom to shower before heading to his man cave to relax. He turned on the game but before he knew it he fell asleep on the couch.

Fatima ran herself a bath so she could relax. Fatima got in the tub and started shedding a few tears. She didn't know why she was crying. Lately she has been on an emotional roller coaster and didn't know why. One moment she is happy and then the next moment she is crying or snapping. Let's not forget she has been horny as hell a lot lately. Fatima finished taking her bath. She lotion her body before she put on her black Skims dress. Fatima made her way back into their bedroom when she noticed Zac was not in the bed. "Zac!" Fatima called out. She walked around the house looking for him. He was not in any of the rooms so she made her way to the man cave. There he was laying on the couch sleep. She went up to him and tried to wake him but he wasn't budging so she laid down with him and placed his arms over herself. She cuddle up close to him and drifted off to sleep.

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