Chapter 7

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Zac's phone vibrated and he reached for it.
Tima 😍🍑: Hey.
Zac 😈😜: Wedding's over already?
Tima 😍🍑: At the reception. What are you two up to?
Zac 😈😜: Watching Netflix. You okay?
Tima 😍🍑: Just bored.
Zac 😈😜: At a wedding? I thought women lived for those.
Tima 😍🍑: You know I'm over Angela and Belinda after last night. I think I'm leaving as soon as they finish serving the rest of the courses.
Zac 😈😜: Rest?
Tima 😍🍑: I think there are five... so far we had salad.
Zac 😈😜: Right now I'd run around butt ass naked down my street for some food.
Tima 😍🍑: That's all it would take?
Zac 😈😜: Bring me something to eat and find out.
Tima 😍🍑: Be careful what you ask for. You're going to be mad, but I am eating the best lamb chops in the world.
Zac 😈😜: I thought we were homies. See how you do me?
Tima 😍🍑: Don't worry. I got you.😉 How is our girl doing?
Zac 😈😜: What do you think?
A picture of Zac holding a very upset baby appeared beneath his text. Her little fists were balled up as she screamed and scrunched up her little face.
Tima 😍🍑: Yikes! Poor baby.
Zac 😈😜: She's upset because she's not there eating a slice of the lemon wedding cake you told us about.
Tima 😍🍑: And the reason for the frown on your face?
Zac😈😜: Told you. Hungry.
Tima 😍🍑: For?
The three bubble came and went several times on her screen before a response appeared.
Zac😈😜: Anything...
Tima 😍🍑: Anything? Didn't cook tonight?
Zac😈😜: She won't let me move. I'm choosing peace and quiet over food right now. Don't judge me.
Tima 😍🍑: Never. BRB

Zac met Fatima at his front door, holding a squirming Paris in his arms. She glowed in a strapless emerald green knee length dress under the light of the moon. Her hair was pinned back with curls falling around the front of her face. Standing in basketball shorts, Zac felt underdressed. When he took another look at her, his body told him they both were overdressed. She held a box and when he looked inside, he saw it was filled with containers full of food. "What are you doing here?" Zac kissed her and reached with his free hand to take the box from her. Their last text was exchanged an hour ago. "You have the baby, I can carry it." "I got it. What is this?" "It's dinner. I came to see you run naked down the street." Puzzled, Zac peeked inside. Fatima tugged on the strap of a bag on her shoulder and followed him into the kitchen. "Do I need to show you the text you sent? Good thing I made friends with the catering staff. They agreed to pack some food after I told them I needed to go check on a sick friend. How's she doing?" "Better now that the pain reliever is kicking in." His little sidekick had been cranky all morning from an ear infection. "Is the lamb chops for me?" Fatima nodded. "You mind if I change out this dress?" "Don't mind at all." "What's that look for," she asked, eyeing him curiously. "I'm waiting for you to take off your dress." She laughed. "Is there another place I can change other than your kitchen?" "What fun is there in that?" "Zachary." "You can use one of the rooms upstairs." "Do you mind helping me unzip this?" she asked, turning her back toward him. He reached for the zipper, touching the skin on her back as he did it. She was so soft and all he could think of was lifting her up on the kitchen counter... "Zac..." Staring at the zipper, he answered. "Hmm?" "Remember there's a baby in your arms." Her words brought him back to reality. He lowered the zipper until it stopped just below her waist exposing the top of lacey black panties she wore. Fatima turned around, holding the front of the dress against her chest. "Upstairs?" she asked, reaching for a black tote beside her. Motioning toward the rear staircase that was across from the kitchen, he nodded. "There's a guest room, first door on the left. You can change in there." "Thanks. Save some food for me." "I wouldn't think of it being any other way." When she disappeared up the steps, he looked at his sidekick who was sucking on her two fingers. "Thanks a lot."

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