Chapter 12

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It's Sunday morning, Zac had left Fatima house last night and since he's been gone she hasn't gotten any sleep. She rolled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to shower and do her morning routine. After she showered and got dressed she decided to make breakfast before getting her day started.She was thinking about calling Zac over and asking him to bring Paris as well because she missed both of them. Before she could finish her thought the doorbell rung. Fatima made her way to the front door and when she opened it there stood Zac and Paris with the biggest smiles on their faces. "Hey baby these are for you." Zac said handing her a dozen white roses. "Can we come in?" "Oh yeah. Sorry, come in." Zac stepped in with Paris in his arms. "I'd like to properly introduce you to someone special. Fatima this is my daughter Paris." She couldn't help smiling when Paris popped her head up on cue. "We would like to ask you out on a date." Zac stated. Today was the day for the surprise Zac had for Fatima. With some help from Paris.

The past week where Fatima thought Zac was with other women he had been doing a lot of thinking about their relationship. That is, the relationship they once had or he thought they were creating. That saying about not appreciating something until you don't have it kept floating around in his mind. He might not have not been truthful from the beginning, but he could have at least showed her as well as tell her he loved her. Tonight he would and he just hoped she would take him back. COMPLETELY. All he needed was another chance. He didn't know how, but he had every intention of winning her trust back because he wanted to be wherever she was.

"So is that a yes or no?" Fatima looked at Paris and back at Zac. "Hell yes! What you got in mind?" "It's a surprise" he replied. Zac told Fatima to go change into something comfy. Fatima ran to her room to change and do a lite beat on her face. She made her way back downstairs wearing a fitted Skims dress with some Tory Burch sandals with the matching bag. "Damn! You look good babe." Zac said leaning down giving her a kiss. "Thank you baby." She replied. Paris started smiling and clapping her hands. "I guess daddy's baby agrees." Zac said.

The three made their way to the car. Zac opened Fatima's door waiting for her to get settled in before closing it. Next he strapped Paris in her car seat before making his way to the the driver's side. "So you really not going to tell me where we going?" "Nope. So just sit your gorgeous nosy self right there and just ride." Fatima rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest faking like she had an attitude. Zac laughed at her before driving off.

As they were riding to the first location Zac and Fatima held hands. Stealing glances at one another. They pulled up to the park. "Zac why we at the park?" Fatima asked. "I thought it would be a good to bring Paris here to play." Fatima smiled. "That's a wonderful idea." Zac got out the car and made his way around to the passenger side to open Fatima's door and help her out before getting Paris out her car seat. The three of them made their way to the swings. Zac and Fatima took turns pushing Paris on the swing. Paris was laughing and giggling with excitement as they pushed her. A couple walked by watching them push Paris "Y'all are a beautiful family." The lady said to them. Neither one of them corrected her. "Thank you!" Zac and Fatima said in Unison then looked at each other.

They continue to play with Paris around the park taking her from the swing to the slide. Where they took turns there as well. They laughed and played for a couple hours until it was lunch time. "Zac honey, I'm hungry." Paris clapped her hands. "Paris agrees too. Ain't that right pretty girl? " She said grabbing her from Zac and tickling her and making baby talk. "Okay well let me feed my girls." Zac led them to the car. First opening the door for Fatima to get in and then to strap Paris in her seat. After he got in they made their way to Yard house for lunch.

After they ate their lunch and his girls were satisfied they got back in the car and made their way to the next location which was the local carnival. Zac made sure he got Paris every stuff animal he could win for her. He also won a couple for Fatima as well. He loved seeing them happy. He watches as both his babies stuffed their face with cotton candy. They were there for a few hours before Paris started getting cranky because it was her nap time. They decided to head to Zac's house since it was closer.

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