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"I'm living with you till Bella is gone?" She asked as Edward nodded. "She won't stop..."

"She will." He promises. "Or we will kill her."

Sophie nodded as she pulled Edward down to kiss him. Edward knew they were in the hospital, but he couldn't help it. He moved away and grabbed the chair to keep people from walking in.

He went back over to her causing her to smile. "I love you." She tells him.

"I love you and this baby."

She smiled as she kissed him. Edward pulled his pants down causing Sophie to grab his dick. He closed his eyes as he moved the hospital gown up. "You're mine, Sophie Swan. Forever." He moaned out.

"And you're mine, Edward Cullen. Forever." She tells him.

Edward entered her causing her to moan out. Hearing the sound she makes, had Edward going faster.
In Jacksonville, Renee couldn't believe how Bella was acting. She thought Bella was going to be a good girl. "Charlie, Sophie..."

"Sophie didn't do anything to Bella to get her to act like that. MY daughter hardly spoke to Bella since she came here. She's been around her boyfriend and right now, she's in the hospital with him. Looking at their baby."

"Baby? I thought you told me..."

"You know what. I was being a good parent to tell you everything, even though you didn't want to hear about her, but this time, I've had enough of you and Bella. Sophie Swan is my damn daughter, my pride and joy, yet, you only care about Bella. Don't call me ever again and Bella is going to you."

Renee didn't get to respond as the call ended. She looked at Phil shocked. "Bella's coming here because Charlie isn't liking how she's acting around Sophie and Sophie's boyfriend." she tells him.

"Maybe it's time that you see how Bella acts. Who she truly is." Phil says. "If she lets you."

Renee realized all these years that Charlie told her things about Sophie because he was hoping she would see Sophie as her child too. The child she birthed, but she made one mistake she knows can't be fixed. She abandoned her with her father.
At the hospital in Forks, Edward laid with a sleeping Sophie as they were waiting for Sophie to be released. He looked at her as she slept causing him to promise one thing that he will keep. "I will protect you and our baby, Sophie. I promise."

Sorry this was short, but I had to add Charlie's phone call with Renee. Yes, Bella is leaving, but not before she tries one last thing that crosses the line. Till next time.

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