Chapter 1

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Hana's POV

My name is Hana Ryu Hikaru. Yeah I'm half Japanese, half American. I'm a 15 year old High School student. I live in California all my life. Well except when I was 12 I lived in Japan for 2 years.

I woke up a little late today. I quickly showered, and changed my clothes. I wear a simple white T-Shirt, a dark blue jacket, jeans, and prepared my bag.

I walked out of my room towards the dining table. "morning mom" I greeted her. Dad always leaves early at 5 as usual. "morning honey, how was your sleep?" she asked. "good as usual" I said with a smile. "can you wake up Henry and Josh? I don't want them to be late for school" mom said. I nodded.

I walked to my brothers room on the other side of the house and opened the door. Josh was already brushing his teeth. He's always early while his older brother always wakes up late. Henry is the 2nd child and Josh is the 3rd. I actually have another little sister. The 4th one, Lulu but she is still asleep.

"Henry wake up! It's time for school" I shook him. He groans and turned his head to the other side. "come on you're already 11! You can't keep waking up late!" I told him and pulled the blanket off. He moans and sit down. "fine, just get out of my room!" he said. I'm used to him sounding like the 'older' brother. "just get your stuff ready" I threw him the bag and walked out of the room.

I checked the time, it was nearly time for school. "oh crap gotta go now!" I mumbled and grabbed a sandwhich from the table. I quickly grabbed my bag and wore my cap. Eating the sandwhich quickly while using my shoes.

"late again huh?" mom said in a teasing tone. "what? The last time I was late was last month!" I said, second checking my items. "ehm.. Well becareful honey, don't lose the necklace" mom said. "I will mom, bye!" I said and rushed out.

The school was a 15 minute run away, but class starts in 20 minutes. Also you might be wondering why my mom said, don't lose my necklace right? Well it's not just any precious jewellery. Let me tell you why it's that important.

So 15 years ago, my mom got pregnant. She can't wait for me to come out. She went to the doctor and gave birth to me. But I wasn't moving. But I was still alive.

My mom still decided to take me home. She tried her best to wake me up, but I still stayed still. None of the doctors could figure out what's wrong. Until one day mom heard a door bell and saw a small box. Inside was a beautiful dragon necklace curling around a blue stone. The stone was glowing blue.

She was curious but came back to me and tried to wake me up again

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She was curious but came back to me and tried to wake me up again. She nearly gave up, when the necklace suddenly glew brighter and brighter. And for the first time ever.. I woke up.

Since then I've always used the necklace. Whenever it was taken off, I mysteriously stopped. That's why this necklace is so important. But also mysterious. No one knows who sent it, or why it seems that I'm connected to it. We kept this a secret since we don't want to bring much attention.

I'm finally nearing the school. I ran in through the gate and towards the building. The ball rang just when I went through the door. Dang it!

I quickly ran to my locker and put everything in, then grabbed my books for the first class and ran to the classroom. "sorry I'm late Ms. Rubeo" I said as I walked to the table. Eveyone giggled as I sat down next to my best friend Amaani. "it's alright Hana, but I do hope you won't be late again" Ms. Rubeo said. I nodded. I'm so glad the first class was her.

"I'm guessing your necklace dropped last night?" She asked. She's the only other one who knows about the secret. "yeah, and no one knew until 3 hours later" I said with a chuckle. She laughed a little.

Class went on Normally. We did a couple more classes before it was lunch time. I was near my locker putting my stuff in when I see, Sam Witwicky putting a whole bag of items in his locker. A pair of glasses fell off.

I grabbed it and handed it over to him. "oh uh thanks" he said taking it. "watcha got there?" I asked looking at his bag of items. "just my items for my class later" he said looking away. He is a little shy so I gave him some space and walked to the lunch room.

I walked with Amaani and grabbed some lunch chatting about many things. We're nerds here, always sit alone. Sam used to sit with us but recently he's been trying his best to get closer to Mikaela. He seems to have a crush on her.

School ended with no problems. I packed my bag and walked out seeing Sam running exitedly to his dad. They chatted a little before driving away. I shrugged and walked back home.

I felt a searing headache and quickly held my forehead. I've been feeling a lot of it recently. It really hurts. It feels like my head is sending messages to someone. I stopped walking and leaned back on the brick wall waiting for it to pass.

I'm so glad it did so just a minute later. I continued walking back home when something catches my eye. Its a yellow car with black stripes in front of it. It looks really cool. But something was weird. When it crossed, I saw it had no driver.

My curiosity takes me first as I ran following it. I was a fast runner so I could catch up with it rathee quickly. It still drove straight. Slightly wobbly but straight. Makes me think it was just accidentally left on.

But when it reached a car sale it quickly turned that way. Yeah no way that's left! Somethings up with it. I quickly ran hiding behind the cars. I see Sam and his dad searching for some cars when the yellow car parked next to another car. I saw the logo. It was a weird one. I never saw it. It looked like a robot head?

Sam saw the car and checked on it. I wasn't that interested in their conversations, I just want to see what the car's up to. The owner of the cars sale made it just a little bit too expensive and offered hin the other cars.

The yellow car's door suddenly banged open surprizing everyone, including me. The man walked out and said he could fix the door, when a loud sound rang loudly. All the cars windows broke into shards of glass. Some of them went on my hair. The sound hurt my ear. I am sensitive of sound.

I looked up seeing the Yellow Car's window was still intact. How could? Those frequencies were sharp it would've broken any window. The man quickly agreed to lower the price. I chuckled, but it was time to go. Mom would be worried.

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