3 : Chapter 5

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We arrived back on Earth. Optimus went to prepare Sentinel, while I keep an eye on the humans. They insisted on waiting until all of them are there.

They put Sentinel in a room. The other bots waited on the other side. I transformed into a human and waited for Mearing and Lennox on the deck. I looked down at all the people waiting for the resurrection. Sentinel was in the middle of the room, while Optimus was standing just in front of me. Anxiously waiting for them to come.

I heard an argument coming from the other side of the room. I groaned and walks towards them. It was a rather long way there but I made it.

I hear Sam and Mearing arguing about wether he was allowed at the base. "Here's the thing. Colonel Lennox. We cannot entrust national security to teenagers, unless I missed a policy paper. Are we doing that now? No. Good. I don't care who you are. If you breathe a word of what you see in here, you will do time for treason. Do you understand me?" Mearing said.

"I'll take my orders from the Autobots. I know them. I don't know you" Sam said. I walked to Mearing and put a hand on her shoulder before she can say another word. "I think we can allow them in here Ms. Mearing" I told her. "And who put you in charge? Hm?" Mearing said looking at me. I gave her a small glare, and I can see her mentally sigh. "You will" she said again glaring at Sam before walking away.

I sighed slightly, "come on" I nodded at Sam and Carly and motioned to go to the deck. I led them to get a front view. "Who is she?" I heard Carly asks. "My old friend from school" Sam replied. "How old is she?" Carly asked again. "uh.. 19 right?" Sam asked me. I half nodded half shook. I may be 19 in human age, but my true age is 4 million years old. "How is she allowed here? I thought shw said she doesn't allow teens inside".

"She is uh-" Sam started. "Different" I said simply and stopped at the deck. I leaned over on the railings and watched Optimus. "Let us begin" Optimus said and opens his chest and takes out the Matrix. He hovers it carefully between both hands as he walks to Sentinel.

"That's the great Matrix of Leadership. He holds the only thing in the universe that can re-power a Transformer's spark" Lennox explained. "This is incredible" Carly mumbled.

Optimus stops in front of Sentinel. "Sentinel Prime, we bid you return" He said as he puts the matrix into Sentinel's chest. A bright blue light glowed bright from his chest, and he started to shake.

"I will kill you!!" He shouted in cybertronian and jumped at Optimus, pinning him to the ground. I instinctively jumped off the deck. I heard Carly yelped as she watched me. But I transformed into my cybertronian form before I landed, and make the ground shook a little.
"You will not take Cybertron!" Sentinel yelled again, in cybertronian. He pushed Optimus's chest roughly and tried to get a sword through Optimus's head. But was struggling to do so. Both me and Optimus, tried to push him off, and his hand away from Optimus's helm.

"Stop! Sentinel! It is I- Optimus- Prime! It is all right. You are safe" Optimus said. Sentinel slowly relaxes and stands up again. "There is nothing to fear" Ratchet added as Sentinel looks around at everyone. "We are here. You are home, Sentinel" Optimus said.

"The war... The war!" Sentinel exclaimed rather loudly, but in human language. I helped Optimus stand up as he explained to Sentinel "The war was lost. Cybertron is now but a barren wasteland. We have taken refuge here, on planet Earth. Its human race is our ally".

"My ship! We came under fire. The pillars. Where are the pillars?" Sentinel asked desperately. "You saved five of them, including the control pillars" Optimus replied. "Only five? We once had hundreds!" Sentinel said in disappointment.

Mearing decided to interrupt, this conversation. "Excuse me, gentlemen. May I ask... what is this technology you're looking for?". "It is the ability to reshape the universe. Together the pillars form a Space Bridge. I designed, and I alone, can control it. It defies your laws of physics to transport matter through time and space" Sentinel explained.

"You're talking about a teleportation device, aren't you?" Mearing asked again. "Yes, for resources, for refugees" Optimus replied. "Refugees, or troops of soldiers, weapons, maybe bombs! A means of an instant strike! That's its military function, isn't it?" Mearing said in a disbelieve. I decided not to join in on the conversation. Optimus and Sentinel know more than I do, or that I could remember at least. "It is our technology and it must be returned" Sentinel said.

"Yes. If humans say so! You can't just bring weapons of mass destruction into our atmosphere! Kind of have to clear customs first. A little formality called paperwork, kind of separates us from the animals" Mearing said back. I hate her attitude... "I will overlook your condescending tone if you heed the gravity of mine. The Decepticons must never know the Space Bridge is here. For in their hands, it would mean the end of your world" Sentinel said and ends the conversation here and now.

Mearing grumbled. "You two! Come with me" She said motioning to Sam and Carly. They shrugged and followed her out of base. But Carly looks back at me for a few seconds, before turning back out. I mean, I wouldn't blame her. Who wouldn't be surprised to see a girl suddenly transform into a 30 foot alien robot.

"Come with me Sentinel. I will show you around" Optimus said, and they both walked out of base. Sentinel stops before he left and motions me to come. I followed. Can't disobey a prime. Even though I'm a prime myself.

"Never thought I'd see three primes at once before I merge with the allspark" Ironhide commented as we walk pass them. The others nodded in agreement. I just gave a 'seriously?' look before leaving with the primes.

Optimus showed Sentinel around and explained to him more about Earth and other stuff. I helped explain some things Optimus might not know. I was a 'normal' human for 15 years after all.

Sentinel seemed to want to see more of Earth, so we took a little trip to Africa. Primus, I kinda forgot how we even got here. But it sure was a beutiful sunset.

We drove towards an open field with no humans where we can all transform. Sentinel transformed first and walked ahead to enjoy the view. Optimus followed. I transformed too but kept my distance from the two.

"So majestic and peaceful, this planet. Unlike the final days of Cybertron" Sentinel said as he watched fhe sun sink behind the Earth. Optimus walks a little closer to him as he said "I've wondered what might have been, if you had fought the final battle, instead of me". I mentally sighed. He still believes Cybertron was dead because of him. He thinks he failed...

"Never mourn the past, young warrior. Thanks to you... our race survives" Sentinel told him. Optimus suddenly opens his chets and takes out the matrix, before kneeling down and handing the matrix over to Sentinel. "You were our leader, Sentinel. It is your right to lead us again" Optimus said.

Sentinel looked at the matrix in his hand before giving it back to Optimus. "In a world I do not know. I am no longer your teacher, Optimus. You are mine" He told him. Optimus understood and stands up, putting the Matrix back in his chest.

Suddenly I got a call through the coms. "Hana? Hana is this you?" Sam asked. He has my phone number. Coms are a little different, but I managed to mix mine with a normal phone. "Yes, this is me. Anything wrong Sam?" I asked back. "Listen. Tell Optimus, Sentinel is in danger. The Decepticons are making a trap, there are hundreds of pillars here on Earth. And he is the only one who can control it. We can't let the decepticons get him" Sam explained. "Send him these rendezvous coordinates and tell him to meet up there".

"Gotcha Sam" I said as the coms turned off, and I got the location for the rendezvous. I walked over to the primes. "Optimus, the decepticons are after Sentinel, they have hundreds more of the pillars hidden here on Earth" I told him. Optimus turned towards Sentinel, "You must go into hiding, Sentinel" Optimus said. "I shall do so" Sentinel said in a somehow calm voice. "Sam told him to meet up. Here's the coordinates" I said and making a holographic picture of the place he's supposed to go, before sending the coordinates to him.

When we were about to go back, suddenly we had another call. "Optimus, there's a decepticon attack in Washington D.C north side" Someone said over the shared com line. "I'm coming. Hana, make sure Sentinel gets there safe" He said to me. I nodded but Sentinel stopped me. "Do not worry, Optimus. I shall be fine. These humans can be trusted. You go with Optimus". Ok.. Something is wrong with him. "Are you sure, Sentinel?" Both me and Optimus asks at the same time. "I am a Prime" he said with a little pride.

"Alright, but I'm trusting you on this one" I said before transforming into my vehicle mode. Optimus did the same, before we went to leave.

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