Chapter 4

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That just answered all my questions...

I am one of them...


We walked up the hill. The yellow robot comes up making some electronic sounds, but for some reason, I understand it a little. He said "that's one heck of a con". I chuckled a little. We all stop and looked up at it. "What is it?" Mikaela asked. "It's a robot. But like a, like a different, you know, like a super-advanced... robot. It's probably Japanese. Yeah, yeah, it's definitely Japanese" Sam stuttered trying his best to explain.

"What are you doing?" Mikaela asked him. "I don't think it wants to hurt us. It would have done that already" I replied to her. "Really? Well, do you speak robot? Because they just had, like, a giant droid death match" Mikaela said. "actually I do" I said with a wink, while Sam just glared at her.

"I think it wants something from me" Sam replied to the question Mikaela asked a minute ago. "what?" Mikaela asked again. "Well, 'cause the other one was talking about my eBay page" Sam finished. Me and Mikaela both glared at him.

"You are the strangest boy I have ever met" Mikaela said. "Can you talk?" Sam asked the robot. "XM Satellite Radio- digital cable brings you- Columbia Broadcasting System" the robot said in a jumble with different voices. "So you... you talk through the radio?" Sam reassured.

"Thank you, you're beautiful. You're wonderful, you're wonderful" The robot said pointing a finger at him while nodding happily. He was quite funny. "So, what was that last night? What was that?" Sam asked. I nodded at his question. "Message from Starfleet, Captain- Throughout the inanimate vastness of space- Angels will rain down like visitors from heaven- hallelujah!" the robot said.

"Visitors from heaven? What, what are you, like, an alien or something?" Mikaela asked. The robot nodded happily and pointed a finger at her. "yes!" he said in the electronic squeals. "Any more questions you want to ask?" he asked and transforms into a car and opens the door.

I walked up towards him unhesitantly. I like him already he's funny. I already sat down in the back seat as Sam and Mikaela hesitated to go in. We listened to them hesitating, before the robot played Before it's too Late on his radio.

Sam and Mikaela finally gets in. Mikaela didn't want to sit in front because he was driving, so Sam suggested her to sit on her lap. Which she did. They chatted a little cheesily. It's as if I wasn't there tonight, and I didn't want to break their sweet time. I didn't pay attention to them. I'm still thinking of what else I could do. Now that I am nearly sure that I'm an alien.

I managed to turn my hand partly robotic, but I couldn't do much more than that. Whatever that blue stuff seened to be powering me. I think I need a little bit more before I could turn myself fully robotic.

A sentence caught my attention though. "You know what I don't understand?" Mikaela asked. Me and Sam looked at her. "Why, if he's supposed to be, like, this super-advanced robot, does he transform back into this piece of crap Camaro?" Mikaela said questioningly.

I quickly held on to the side, knowing what would happen. "Whoah! Whoa! Oh, see? No. Get- no, that doesn't work. See?" Sam commented as the car stops and throws us out to the side of the road.

We walked to the end seeing the robot drive off. "Great, now... See? Fantastic. Now you pissed him off. That car is sensitive. I mean, four thousand dollars just drove off" Sam said.

A yellow Chevrolet Camaro car drove towards us. We knew right away it was the robot. We gasped in amazement. We all went in and looked at the new car. It was shiny and clean. The car drove off and we comfortably ride in it.

It suddenly stopped in front of a building. I saw four lights in the sky. We all got off the car and looked up. There were 4 big meteorites shooting down towards earth. They seem abnormal in some ways. It flew above us and we heard crashes not long after.

The car door opens again. He wants us to get in.
We all got on and the door closes. He drives away towards a big alleyway. It was foggy and dark. But there were car lights behind and in front of us.

Our car let us down and we watched as the other cars drove in. The one in front of us was a big truck with fire marks on it. It looked cool. And a few other types of cars drove in from behind us. The cars behind us transformed into robots, including the yellow car.

The truck stopped in front of us, and we saw it transform into a robot. It took much longer to transform, and he was much bigger than all the other robots.

His transformation finished and he bent down and looked at the 3 of us. "Are you Samuel James Witwicky, descendent of Archibald Witwicky?" he asked in an old but wise voice. "They know your name" Mikaela whispered.

"yeah?" Sam replied. "My name is Optimus Prime. We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron" Optimus said and stands up. "But you can call us Autobots for short" another yellow car said.

"What's crackin', little bitches?" a silver one said. "My first lieutenant. Designation Jazz" Optimus introduced him. "This looks like a cool place to kick it" Jazz said and jumped on a car.

"What is that? How did he learn to talk like that?" Sam asked. "We've learned Earth's languages through the World Wide Web" Optimus explained. "My weapons specialist, Ironhide" Optimus introduced another silver one, but this one was bigger. "you feeling lucky, Punk?" he said and his hands turned to canons and pointed it at us.

Sam gulped. "easy Ironhide" Optimus commented. "Just kidding. I just wanted to show him my cannons" Ironhide said and retracted his canons. I chuckled.

"Our medical officer, Ratchet" Optimus introduce the other yellow one. Ratchet sniffs the air. "Mmm. The boy's pheromone level suggests he wants to mate with the female" he explained.

Mikaela and Sam backed away from each other. Sam whistled, both trying not to look at each other. I giggled silently and gave Ratchet a thumbs up.

"You already know your guardian, Bumblebee" Optimus said looking at the yellow robot that was with us. Bumblebee made punching motions ot the air. He seems like the youngest out of them all, and still acted like a boy. "Bumblebee, right?" Sam reassured himself. "Check out the rep, yep, second to none-" Bumblebee's radio said. "His vocal processors were damaged in battle" Ratchet said pointing a red beam of light to Bumblebee's neck. Bumblebee coughed a little. "I'm still working on them" Ratchet said.

We all looked around still amazed, before Mikaela breaks the silence. "why are you here?" she asked. "We are here looking for the AllSpark. And we must find it before Megatron" Optimus said.

"Megawhat?" Sam asked. "Our planet was once a powerful empire. Peaceful and just. Until we were betrayed by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. All who defied them were destroyed. Our war finally consumed the planet, and the All Spark was lost to the stars" Optimus explained.

He made a holographic image of a scary looking robot, growling angrily. "Megatron followed it to Earth, where Captain Witwicky found him" Optimus continued. "Oh- my grandfather" Sam said. "It was an accident that intertwined our fates" Optimus said.

"Megatron crash-landed before he could retrieve the Cube. He accidentally activated his navigation system. The coordinates to the Cube's location on Earth were imprinted on his glasses" Optimus explained. "How'd you know about his glasses?" Sam asked.

"eBay" Optimus said. Gosh it was so hard to hold a laugh, but I managed to because this was a serious conversation. "If the Decepticons find the All Spark, they will use its power to transform Earth's machines and build a new army. And the human race will be extinguished. Sam Witwicky, you hold the key to Earth's survival" Optimus Explained.

"Please tell me that you have those glasses" Mikaela whispered. By her tone I can tell she's nervous to be with them. Sam shook his head slowly. He told them that it was back at his house and he could go and get it. The autobots insisted in coming howhever. So here they come.

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