4 : Chapter 9

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"Tessa, Shane, you go steal food and clothes. Only the necessities, don't you go stealing random items, we have to stay low profile" Cade told them. Normally I would say no against stealing anything, but the humans do need some food and a change of clothes. And they don't have money to use, so I'll let them slip, for now.

"Come on, Bee" Cade called. Bumblebee walked over to him and transformed into his vehicle mode, and opened the door for Cade to get in. He got on, and they both drove out of the cathedral.

Shane and Tessa walked over to Drift, Hound, and Crosshairs. "Uh, I'm going to- sc- se- make sure no one is following us, yeah, that's it" Crosshairs said, making an excuse, and quickly walked away from them.

"Mind giving us a ride?" Shane asked the others. "-I need to check my weapons" Hound said and walked away, just like Crosshairs did... "Hound, wait- agh" Drift groaned.

He saw that Shane and Tessa was still looking at him, waiting for an answer. Drift groaned again. "Fine, but I'm not babysitting" Drift said and crossed his arms. "Hey! We're not babies!" Shane grumbled. "You're bad enough to be one" Drift said and transformed into his vehicle mode. Shane had an annoyed face, but he still got on Drift. Tessa also followed. They buckled in, and drove out of the cathedral.

I watched as the cathedral slowly emptied. Only me and Optimus left in here. I sighed, and began cleaning up the cathedral, just as I promised Tessa and Shane. I started moving the rubble away, clearing a bigger place for them to be in.

I heard some noise from Optimus's direction. I looked that way, to see Optimus also helping out. I definitely didn't expect that... The other primes would try to avoid the 'simple, dirty' work if possible. Optimus really is humble, isn't he?

We both cleaned up the cathedral, and made it more comfortable for the humans. I found a few couches which I placed in a cleaner spot. I also took some of the candles and placed them around where the humans will be.

When I was done, I walked over to the edge and relaxed a bit. I heard Hound outside with his weapons. Crosshairs is wherever he is going. Drift, Bumblebee, Tessa, Shane, and Cade still hasn't returned yet.

I looked around the now clean cathedral. I saw Optimus leaning on the opposite side of the wall. He seems to be thinking about something. He's never relaxed, has he? Ever since the war in Chicago... I don't blame him. Many things changed. Most for the worst...

I notice him looking at my feet. Huh? His face seems to be thinking about different things. It wasn't his normal, blank, thinking face. His face right now shows more emotions. And he seems confused about it.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. He looked a little surprised as he looked up at me. "I'm fine" He said quickly.

Nope. Not taking it. "Are you sure? I know that look when you're confused about something" I told him. Our optics met for a moment, before he looked away. "It's nothing" He said, trying to sound reassuring. I sighed. I'm still not taking it, but I can't push him.

Bumblebee, and Drift drove back in the base. Crosshairs also went back, and so did Hound when he saw everyone came in.

Tessa and Shane got off Drift bringing the items they stole. They looked around the cathedral. "This looks much better, thanks" Tessa said. I just gave a small nod.

Drift transformed and stretched with a groan. "I didn't need to see all of that" He commented. Cade who just got off Bee with a whole box, realized what he said and gave Tessa and Shane a glare. "We didn't do anything, Dad. He's just sensitive" Tessa told him.

Drift heard it and pointed one of his swords at her. "Don't you dare say that one more time little missy" He said threateningly. "Hey, step back" Shane said, going in front of Tessa. "Drop it, Drift" I told Drift. He looked at me, before pulling back his sword in defeat.

Cade sat down on a chair around a table. I walked away to the far side of the cathedral. The others except Bumblebee and Drift followed. Drift was practicing with his swords, while Bumblebee was just sitting, watching the humans.

Cade put the box of clothes on the table. "Hey, I found a whole bunch of boxes of clothes. So, sweetie, you can get some long pants, nice, loose-fitting ones, and lose the short shorts, okay?" Cade told Tessa. Tessa and Shane walked towards the table and put down the items he stole. "What'd you guys get?" He asked again.

"It's protein" Tessa said as she puts a can of protein powder down. "Look, I said the essentials, okay?" Cade told her. "It wasn't easy. We almost got caught" Tessa replied. Cade noticed a mouthwash on the table in front of Shane. "You stole mouthwash?" Cade asked him, a little bit annoyed.

"I like to be fresh when I'm making out with your daughter" He said in a flirty tone. "That's funny" Cade said blankly and grabbed the mouthwash. He threw it far away. "Yeah, that's not happening ever".

"Ever?" Shane asked. "Ever." Cade cleared it. "Come on, Dad. It's not like you have to see it" Tessa said. "The knowledge of it happening is already disturbing" Cade told her with a more stern, and fatherly tone. Tessa groaned and walked away towards a sofa and laid down, tiredly. Shane walked over to her and sat down on the sofa.

Cade just stared at them, annoyed for a few moments, before walking towards us. "So, how do we plan on going inside KSI?" He asked.

"One of you will have to sneak inside and gather as much information as you can" Optimus replied, kneeling down to talk to him. "And how do we get in? There's no doubt there is high level security over there" Cade said. "We are made from tech, remember? All we need to do is to make you one of KSI's member cards so you can slip through the security unnoticed" I replied.

"So we go and find a KSI card for reference?" Cade asked again. I nodded. "So, anyone going to give me a ride there? I might be able to use the drone to scan it" Cade said.

"I will go" Optimus volunteered. "No. You're way too noticable, even with the new vehicle mode, your colours are too obvious" I told him, before turning to Cade. "I'll take you"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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