3 : Chapter 6

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We arrived to where the decepticons were. There were people running everywhere in fear. "Everyone get to safety!" I shouted in loud speaker, still as a car. All the people heard and ran away from the cons.

As we got closer to the decepticons we both transformed and ran towards them. I took out my blades while Optimus takes out his guns. I jumped at one of the cons and ripped its leg off and shot at its spark chamber. I heard one behind me jumps, but I twisted my body and cut it in half with my blades. I shifted into a dragon and shot blue hot flames at the three biggest cons, which were not more than our height. It melted their heads and I turn to the ones behind me and slashed them with my tail. Soon all the cons were defeated in barely ten minutes.

I transformed back to a bot and walked over to Optimus. This seemed a little suspicious. For one reason or another. I felt something bad is going to happen. We need to get back to Sentinel, now. "Optimus, we need to head back. I have a bad feeling" I told him. He nods and we both transformed to our vehicle modes before driving back to the base.

The whole way there was dreadful. The bad feeling just wouldn't stop. And when we reached the outside of base, there was rusty metal everywhere. And a rusty body which form isn't even visible anymore. I just hope it isn't one of us, but something is telling me it is.

When we arrived at base, everything was a wreck... Sparks were flying everywhere and debris was scattered on the ground. We both transformed and looked around, hiding the shock. "Yeah, take a look, Optimus! This is all on you!" Mearing said pointing at him. I frowned at her comment. "Sentinel hit the vault! Took the pillars" One of the NEST soldiers reported. "Come on, let's go. All right, notify the 101st Airborne! We need to hunt this thing down!" Lennox said and walked away.

I can feel Optimus is starting to blame himself for listening to Sentinel. I was too. I should've followed my instincts and not just listen because he's a prime. But then again, who would've known? Well now we need to stop Sentinel from even activating the space bridge.

I checked my scanners to scan for any large spike in radiation. Which I found just in front of a museum. "Optimus, I' detecting a spike in radiation and energon levels near the Washington Museum. If we hurry, we can still stop him" I told him. He sighs but nods before transforming and driving out. I transformed too not long after that and drove out.

I quickly tried to contact the team. "Bee? Dino? Sideswipe? Ratchet? Ironhide? Anyone there" I asked over the coms. Blocking Optimus out since he might be worried in his own thoughts. "Aries? That you?" Sideswipe asked. "Yes. Is everyone okay?" I asked back. "We're fine. But Ironhide..." Dino started.. No! Don't tell me... He's that pile of rust back there. "Sentinel killed Ironhide" Ratchet sighed. I felt anger starts to heat up inside me. He knew very well Ironhide's status in the team. I get why he killed him first, but... He-... I don't even want to think about it.

It was night by when we reached the museum. Optimus transformed into his bot mode snd walked to the front of the museum. I drove around to there, to see a few of the pillars were stating to be activated. "Stop! No! No, no Sentinel!" Optimus said. "Forgive me" Sentinel replied simply as the space bridge glows bright blue and electric looking light beamed up to the sky forming a cylindrical form. I gasped looking up as decepticons started to flow through the bridge. I quickly transformed and took out my blades to block ny incoming attacks and perhaps stop them from going near the city.

Slicing them up was easy, but there were so many of them flooding in from the space bridge. And without noticing it, Optimus and Sentinel dissapeared. "Autobots, retreat" He said through the coms. As much as I want to stand by and fight, I can't disobey an order. And I am outnumbered and out powered by 1000 to 1. I noticed Megatron sitting inside the museum. I glared at him for a moment before going away and transforming back into a car...

We drove back to base. First plan gone. Luckily, Optimus has gotten one step ahead for this. He knows Sentinel's weakness best, and has actually already thought of something since we left. Time to activate the back up plan...

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