Chapter 10: When He Meets Your Parents

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"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Your boyfriend Dan was currently pacing around your apartment, that you shared with him and Phil, he was repeating the same word over and over again.

"Calm down, they'll love you. I promise and if they don't. We walk out. Okay?" You said hopefully calming him down

"Are you sure? What if they hate me!" He yelled

You jumped slightly, he wasn't really one to yell that much.

"Dan, calm the fuck down! Or my parents won't even have to make me leave!" You said giggling slightly

That made him calm down.

"Sorry... I just don't want to lose you."


"Okay, do we have everything!" He said from upstairs

You could hear him hyperventilating from all the way down stairs. You chuckled slightly and walked up stairs.

"Stop hyperventilating, they'll love you. I promise." You said smiling

"That's what my last girlfriend said..." He mumbled

"Phil, even if they don't like you, I like you, in fact I love you. So even if they don't like you I'll walk out, and probably never talk to them. I love you more than them and I always will." You said with confidence

"I love you." He sighed out wrapping his arms around you

"I love you more." You laughed

"Not possible!" He laughed

"Sure is." You said smiling "anyway let's go or we'll be late."

A/N: I'm doing a part 2 of this because this ones really short. Also question should I do they don't lie, him or they do, or one of each? I'll let you decide that. Anyway bye <3

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