Chapter 16: When one of you is sick

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When Dan is sick he pretends nothing is wrong with me but always proves himself wrong. It was kinda cute that he thinks that he's fine, when really he just needs to rest. You always make him lie back down, and you get him anything he asks for. When your sick Dan is literally the most caring person ever, he is so sweet and loves lying in bed with you watching stupid random movies he finds Netflix.


Phil just sleeps all day occasionally asking you for a drink or food, but he hardly ever wakes up, which is good because you just get to lie in bed all day. When your sick Phil will do anything in his power to make you better, he doesn't like it when your sick because he can't kiss you and all you do is lie in bed. He loves to do stuff with you so it sucks to see you suffer and not be able to do anything with him.

A/N: sorry it's so short but the only real reason I made this chapter was to announce my new story, it's called Cold Hearted and it's a Dan Howell x OC, so I am now writing 3 stories, I think I might end this story in about 15 more chapters, if that's okay, it's 100% up to you guys I'll continue it if you wish. Goodbye :)

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