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Hey guys sorry this isn't an update. I'm not really in the mood for writing today. I've been writing all day because I'm thinking about publishing a book. I just wanted to ask do you think this is a good idea? I'm hoping to do it, because I love writing it's one of my favourite things to do, I've been thinking about it since Marzia (pewdiepies girlfriend) told her subscribers about her book. I don't know I just think it will be fun. I might also publish my book on here so you guys can read it. It's up to you :).

But what I really want to talk to you about is the competition, 2 of you lucky people will be in my book, leave your name down in the description below. If you aren't comfortable with your name being spread around or people knowing it make it up. I will announce the winners next week. :)

To enter type your name your, age (which I might change), give a brief description of what you look like and a also give a brief description on what your personality is like.

Sorry I'll update tomorrow I promise <3

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