Chapter 18: Imagine #1

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A/N: Okay this is my very first imagine and I am writing it for Sarah_Lester. If you would like an imagine written just for you, leave your name and a description of yourself in the comments. If you want to remain anonymous, DM me and tell me not to tag you. Thanks guys, and I hope you like it Sarah.

Sarah's POV:

I looked out the window to see that familiar flash off the lightning. I hated storms, they scare me so much. Some people say it's because I watch to many horror movies, but as long as I can remember I've been scared of them. Just the sound of the thunder and the lightning, it's just, ugh.

Phil walked in and turned the light on, he looked at me sitting in the corner and gave me a confused look. "Hey Sarah, are you okay?" He said sitting down next to me
"No." I answered
"What's wrong?" He asked
Without saying anything I pointed out the window, he laughed slightly and sat down, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. My long dark brown hair was surrounding my face, as I looked at him with my dark brown eyes. "You'll be fine." He said pulling my head onto his chest.

We sat like that for a couple of minutes just enjoying each others warmth, until he broke the silence. "How about we go do something to take your mind off of this." I nodded and smiled at him.
"What do you want to do?" I asked
"How about we play Mario Kart or something?" He answered
"I'm cool with Mario Kart." I said

We walked up the stairs into Dan and Phil's 'nerd room' as they called it. I sat down on the sofa bed and Phil turned on the Wii U. He slid in the Mario Kart 8 disc, and sat down next to me.

We played Mario Kart for the next 2 hours with Dan joining us half way through. "Ha, take that." I said throwing a red shell at Dan "No you will not win, I am the Mario Kart king!" He yelled laughing
"Dan we will beat you!" Me and Phil screamed in unison

That's basically how it went for the 1 hour that Dan was there. I won all of the races *cough* of course, and When we finally finished, Dan went down stairs to his beloved sofa crease.

I looked out the window and noticed that the storm was finished. "Hey Phil, look it's over." I said smiling at him
He laughed and hugged me "Indeed it is." He said kissing my nose.

A/N: I'm back mother truckers :P, my friend is getting better and school finished today so I will be updating all three of my stories hopefully daily for two weeks.

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