Chapter 15: Your Child Isn't Straight (REQUESTED)

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A/N: this was requested by the bloody amazing Sarah_Lester.


You and Dan both had a feeling that your son Kayne wasn't straight.

But you loved him anyway, you didn't care who he loved because love is love, and it shouldn't matter what gander you love, whether it's your own or the opposite.

Dan didn't mind either, considering you both had many gay friends.

"Mum, Dad, can I talk to you?" he said sounding scared

"Yes?" you asked sitting down

"I-I'm gay." said your 12 year old son

He burst into tears when he said it, and covered his eyes as if your faces were repelling.

"Honey, it's okay." you said

"Kayne, it's fine, we don't care. Honestly." Dan said pulling him so he's sitting in the middle of you two

"Really?" he asked sniffling

"Yes, really." you said kissing his cheek

And being a teenage boy his reaction was "Eww mum, get off me."

You laughed and poked him in the side.

"We love you Kayne." Dan said laughing


You 15 year old daughter Katy (or Kat as you and Phil called her) had come out a while ago, but you had realised some dramatic changes.

She used to be really bubbly and upbeat, and now she seems sad and quiet. Her grades are dropping at a huge rate. She spent every spare minute in her room, and she tried to avoid school like it was the plague.

You knew something was up, so you and Phil decided to confront her.

"Hey Kat." you said walking

"Hey mum, hey dad. Whats up?" she asked

"Are you okay? You just never leave your room and your grades are dropping." Phil said

She didn't say anything, she just lifted up her sleeve to reveal scars that read DYKE. You and Phil both gasped, you didn't even know if people can use that word for lesbians.

"Who the fuck did this to you?!" Phil boomed

"Some pricks at school..." she said sighing

"I'm calling the police." you said walking out

You knew that cut wasn't self inflicted because it was on her writing arm.

After you called the police and let Katy explain what happened you found out alot more. Like she has been getting bullied for nearly a year now. She came out to one of her supposed 'friends' and they spread it around the school.

Eventually she moved schools and was alot happier than before.

Dan and Phil preferences *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now