Chapter 1 It's A New Life For Us.

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  • Dedicated to Diana Segle

I remember the day I was found not guility. I was hand cuffed, not behind my back, but in the front. I was being taking to the court house. When we arrived, the two police officers, walked me through the front door. As we were walking down the hallway, there was the smell of coffee. It was freshly made. You could hear people behind doors talking, and laughing.  

We entered the court room. My lawyer sat me down at the table. We say down. "Do you need anything to drink April?" He asked me. I shook my head. The judge walked in. He was in his late fifties, wearing the all black gown.  

"All arise." Said a cop at the front of the room. Everyone in the room stood up, including me. After the judge sat down, everyone else sat down. "Okay we are here for the trial of Miss. April Dawn." The judge looked around the room.  

"How do you plead Miss. Dawn?" The judge asked. "She pleads Not Guilty sir." My lawyer answered me. "Alright. Well let's get this going. You come up first." The judge calling my lawyer to front.  

For hours this case wen on and on. People were on stand then off stand. People in the crowd were getting mean, and started fighting. Some on my side and some weren't.  

By seven at night every arguement was done and the jury was sent to think of a verdict for me. The judge called a recess. The cops had taken me to a room. My mom came in th room.  

"Hey Hunny" My mom said to me. "Hey mom" I responded. "I know this is pretty tough kiddo, but just stay in there you never know what there verdict is going to be." My mom said smiling to me.  

You could tell she was a mess. She had no perfume on, her hair was in a ponytail and was greasy, she had no make-up on, her eyes are red. You can tell she's been crying. She has black lines under her eyes. Her voice was very fragile.  

"Mom. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you into this much stress." I said to her holding her hand. My mom nodded her head for a couple of seconds. "It's alright baby girl. You know I love you, no matter what. None of this is your fault. I know you didn't do it. You couldn't have." She responded. 

A cop came into my room. "There ready for you." He said in a hurry. I kissed my mom on th cheek and got up. I walked over to the cop and out the door. Together we walked back into the court room, and I re-took my seat. "All rise" The cop in the front said again. Everybody rose again, the judge walked in and sat down and everyone followed.  

"The jury has come to a verdict. I am to tell you this verdict." The judge said to me. "Miss. April Dawn, please stand before the court." The judge ordered me. I stood up, looking at the face of the judge. 

"The jury find April LeAnne Dawn Not Guilty, because of lack of evidence." The judge said. "Can I ask a question?" I blurted out. The judge nodded. "What was the lack of evidence sir?" I asked. "The shovel and other murder weapons, had other hand prints on them. No clue who's, that's where the jury found you not guilty." The judge looked at me.  

"Okay by Hear Means The Court is dimissed." The judge said as he slammed his hammer. The cops came over and un-cuffed me. I got up and ran to my mom. My mom was standing out the court doors. I ran over to her and gave her hug. I was crying.  

"See I told you baby, everything was going to be okay." After that my mom and I walked out to the car. "You ready to go home and take a shower?" My mom asked. I looked at my mom. "Mom can I go see Lisa? I want to see how she is doing." I asked. My mom gave a little smile. "Yeah, we can go see Lisa." She said in a light tone. 

My om drove normal to the hospital, and parked. "Let's go" she said. Instead of walking, I ran into the hospitsal and to the front desk. "Can I see Lisa Black?" I asked the nurse. "Yes, right this way, she's sleeping right now, so keep it down." The nurse said.  

She walked out from behind the desk and walked me to the room. She was in all white, and had her hair up in a bun. She was at least thirty five. We got to room 237. "Right through this door" She said smiling. She walked back to her post. I opened the door slowly. 

I walked in the room, and closed the door behind me. I grabbed a chair and pulled it over to her bed. I grabbed her hand. "I know your sleeping, and you can't probably hear me right now, but it's April. I know the last time I saw you was two weeks ago, and well we were in a bit of trouble. Taylor is in jail. Not for life, but for six months to a year. I got found not guilty, so I'm not going to jail." I said starting to cry.  

"Lisa, I am so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen to you. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to almost get you killed, or to put you in that much harm. I hope you forgive me." I said crying and holding her hand. 

"Don't talk like that. I'm not mad. You didn't put me in any harm." Lisa replied. "Your awake." I said. "Yeah I'm awake." Lisa laughed. I hugged her tight. "So how's everything been?" Lisa asked me. I told her about the phone call, the trial, what jail was like. "How have you been?" I asked. She told me she was in a coma for a couple days, had surgery, woke up about a week ago, and is healing fast. She'll be out of the hospital in a few days or so.  

A few days after that, Lisa was discharged from the hospital, and moved in with me. After about two months of us living together, my mom decided we needed a new enviroment. Also because my mom started talking to Lisa's dad, and decided to move in with him. She for a week, we packed together the house, and said good-bye to this town of disasters.  

Three weeks later, all three of us were settled in and were in a brand new house, Lisa's dad baught a brand new place. Lisa and I shared a room. I sat my phone down on my dresser. "I'm glad we moved and are bestfriends becoming sisters." I say to Lisa. Lisa smiles at me. "I know, with how much we went through we should be blood sisters. Lisa responds. I look at Lisa smiling, then my smile turns into a tear. "I'm so sorry with what you had to go through again, Lisa." I say in a painful voice. Lisa gets up and hugs me. "I've told you it's okay. You are my bestfriend. That made, us stronger." Lisa says. We look in the mirror together. We smile and do a kissing face. My phone rings. Lisa and I look up. I walk over and open the text message. "OMG it's from Nate." I say in a shocked voice.

Death, Lies, and Revenge- The Lies Series. Part 2Where stories live. Discover now