Chapter 7: Roxy's Determination

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The fight raged on for what seemed like forever.
"We need to stop the curse!" Tecna observed.
"But, how?" Bloom asked, worried. "The fairy pets are attacking us!"
"This must have been a special gift from Valtor," Aisha muttered.
"You're right, Aisha. Maybe some fairy dust will do the trick," Stella spoke up. "It worked when breaking the mark that he put on the mermaids of Andros. It should work now."
Roxy was fed up with the way Hecate hypnotized the pets. She wanted to find a way to undo the spell, but she knew she couldn't do it herself. She turned to Flora and asked her for help with a convergence attack.
"Flora, were you able to use fairy dust in your Believix form?" Roxy asked.
Flora nodded. "It's kind of an add on to Believix in a sense," she added. "Why do you ask?"
"I want you to help me with a special convergence spell. I am determined to break the curse Hecate cast on the fairy pets, but I will need your assistance."
"No problem, Roxy. Anything to help you out."
Roxy smiled. "I knew I could count on you, Flora. You're the best."

Valtor saw the fight through the magical lens. "Hecate really meant what she said," he said to himself. "Those girls are getting pulverized!"
Hecate walked to where he was sitting. "Everything is going well," she said.
"Well, we just have to wait and see what happens next."
"So true. Let's not jump to conclusions too quickly. Let's see if the girls hold up."
Valtor and Hecate laughed diabolically.

"Ready?" Flora asked Roxy.
"You bet," Roxy replied with determination.

"Convergence! Animal Essence!" Roxy and Flora combined fairy dust to undo the evil curse Hecate cast. A deluge of blue and green glitter encircled the pets.
"I think it's working!" Musa exclaimed hopefully.
The other girls gasped.
Flora watched in anticipation to see if it worked. The spell worked on all of the fairy pets.
Except for one.
Coco, Flora's pet, broke the barrier, knocking Roxy back with an energy blast.
"No!" Flora cried.
Roxy lay on the ground lifeless.
"What do we do? What do we do?" Aisha panicked.
"Calm down, Aisha," Stella said soothingly. She pointed to a necklace that was on Aisha's neck. "As Pyrix fairies, we have elemental fairy dust. We can use it to break the spell."
Aisha looked down. "Oh! You're right!"
"So? What are you waiting for? Let's go!"
The elemental fairy dust worked. Coco was finally free from the dark magic.
The girls returned to normal and looked at Roxy.
"Roxy..." Bloom mourned.
Suddenly, blue flames arose from Roxy's heart. She got up from the ground, complete with her new Pyrix transformation.

Everyone gasped in awe

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Everyone gasped in awe.
Morgana ran outside to see what was happening. She smiled at Roxy, who had transformed into Pyrix for the first time.
"Whoa!" Roxy exclaimed. "I did it! I got the Pyrix power!"
The other girls cheered and clapped.
"Now, let's send a signal to that big bad guy and tell him he's lost!" Musa cheered.
"And I know just the thing," Roxy replied confidently. "Lion Roar!" A blue lion arose from Roxy and sent a signal to Cloud Tower.

"No way!" Valtor roared angrily. "Another girl just received the Pyrix power!"
Zarathustra overheard the outrage. "Those girls are getting stronger by the day! It's hard to defeat them," she said, disgusted.
"I need to amp up the intensity."
"And I know how."
"Let's pay Melody a visit."
"Of course! Musa will be teaching there. It's the perfect place to wreak havoc!"

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