Chapter 6: Animals in Danger

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"Let's go to the Love and Pet Shop," Roxy said. "It will give us a chance to see how the animals are doing."
"Great idea, Roxy," Aisha exclaimed. "And I can teleport us there."
"Yes. The Pyrix power gives you the ability to teleport wherever you want."
"That's cool!"
All the girls nodded. Aisha reached out her hand to the water. A wave swirled around them, teleporting them to Earth.

The girls arrived in front of the pet shop.
"Wow! Everything looks great," Flora said.
"That's because Morgana rearranged and cleaned everything," Roxy replied.
"Tell her that she did an excellent job," Musa added.
Eight flying pets flew to the girls.
"Our pets are here!" Bloom exclaimed. "I missed you, Belle!"
Electra saw a flying hedgehog flitting her way. "Hello," she said to it.
"That's Mimi, the female hedgehog," Roxy explained.
Turquoise light surrounded Electra and Mimi.
"They're bonding!" Flora exclaimed quietly.
Bloom smiled at Electra as the light faded.
"So cute," Musa commented. "Electra, you bonded with a fairy pet!"
"Now I have a new pet to hang out with!" Electra beamed in excitement.
"So did Roxy," Bloom pointed out. "She bonded with a cute turtle."

Valtor looked at the girls. "Pathetic," he murmured. "Cute and innocent fairy pets. I despise them!"
Hecate, overhearing the situation, walked over to Valtor, saying, "I actually think they're adorable. I'd like to see where they are."
"Go for it, Hecate," Valtor said reluctantly. "But what are you going to do with them?"
"I'll make a diversion to distract the girls, then pulverize them."
"Marvelous idea! I'll see to that."
Hecate created a black hole to teleport to where the girls were.

"Sorry to break the excitement, but something doesn't feel right," Tecna said, her voice shaking. "Look behind you, girls."
Hecate stood behind Roxy, laughing.
Stella gasped. "Hecate? Last time I saw you, you were on Earth as we were on a mission."
"Enough of that, girls," Musa interrupted impatiently. "Let's transform."
Roxy transformed into Believix.

Bloom, Flora, Musa, Electra, and Tecna shouted, "Enchantix!"

Stella and Aisha shouted, "Pyrix!"

Stella and Aisha shouted, "Pyrix!"

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"You're not the only ones who got an upgrade," Hecate remarked

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"You're not the only ones who got an upgrade," Hecate remarked. "I, too, have Pyrix powers!"
"You?" Bloom asked in disbelief. "How did you get that?"
Hecate showed the mark on her hand.
"Valtor!" Aisha snapped. "I had a feeling that it was him."
"You have good intuition, Aisha," Hecate remarked. "Too bad it's not enough to defeat me!"
"No?" Stella asked. "Then maybe this will. Lunar Whirlpool!" A spiral of lunar energy moved toward Hecate. She dodged the attack and shot a blast of blue light at the girls.
"Protection of Waves!" Aisha stretched out her hand to the water. A wave came to her and she formed it into a shield. The blue light was redirected at Hecate. It knocked her back.
"Wait a sec," Electra said. "Something isn't right."
"What do you mean?" Roxy asked.
Electra closed her eyes. "Enchantix Vision!" A vision appeared. "That's not the real Hecate. It's an illusion. Hecate divided herself in two to keep us distracted." She opened her eyes.
"You're right," Bloom replied. "At least we got rid of the illusion!"
The other girls laughed.
"Seriously though," Flora interrupted. "If that wasn't her, then where is she?"
Hecate struck Roxy in the back.
"There she is!" Stella snapped. Let's get her!"
"Plasma Discharge!" Aisha sent a ray of plasma hurling towards Hecate.
"I'll enhance it with Energy Resonance!" Electra shot turquoise energy into the air, enhancing the attack Aisha sent. The convergence hit the witch in the head, making her fall to the ground.
Hecate got up, dusted herself off, and went to the pet shop.
"Don't touch those fairy pets!" Roxy demanded. "Scorpion's Tail!" A swirl of blue light danced toward her. She dodged the spiral attack.
"It's too late," Hecate laughed. "Enchanted Hypnotizer!" She hypnotized the pets, turning them against the girls. She laughed menacingly. "Enjoy losing to these monsters, you pathetic fairies!"
Aisha was mad and wanted to attack Hecate because she called her and her friends pathetic. But, remembering the battle she had with Dark Aisha, she didn't. Think before you act, she reminded herself. Then, she had an idea.
"Stella, do you remember that really cool convergence attack we did back in Season 3?" she asked.
"Sure do! Let's do it," Stella replied confidently.
Musa flew to the other girls to prepare the attack.
"Convergence! Rainbow Connection!" Aisha called out. The convergence swept the hypnotized fairy pets away with a wave of light.
Hecate laughed. "See ya!" Then, she teleported to Cloud Tower.

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