Chapter 25: Fire Against Fire

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Valtor, now in his demon form, continued to fight the girls.
"Heads up!" Musa called as a ray of dark magic came towards the eight Pyrix fairies.
"Energy Wall!" A wall of turquoise energy protected Electra as she deflected the attack.
"Our attacks aren't affecting Valtor at all!" Stella said, freaked out.
"Maybe a fire-against-fire attack will work," Bloom suggested. She surrounded Valtor with her Dragon Ring, hoping it could incinerate him, but the flames made him stronger.
"How is that possible?" Musa gasped.
"Well, since Valtor's magic comes from the dragon fire, it's only logical to use the water stars," Tecna deduced.
"What are the water stars?" Roxy asked.
"The water stars are the direct opposite to the dragon fire," Aisha explained. "Since both couldn't exist in the same dimension because the wizards banned water stars from the magical universe, they separated. Both the water stars and the dragon fire are very powerful, and they can be used for either good or evil purposes. We used the water stars back in Season 3."

"But if we activate the water stars, wouldn't they negatively react with our dragon fire?" Flora asked.
"Yeah," Bloom said, considering the point Flora raised. "If we use the water stars, our Pyrix magic will be severely weakened."
Tecna thought for a moment. "You're right, Bloom," she replied. "And seeing how you are easily affected by the water stars, it's probably best not to use them."
"Maybe I can weaken Valtor with my vine wrap," Flora suggested. "Buttercup Vortex!" Buttercup vines wrapped around Valtor, but he broke free, laughing.
"You're going down, Valtor!" Musa snapped. "Melodic Reverb! Ha!" Short bursts of purple sheet music knocked Valtor back.
"Nice move, Musa!" Flora cheered.
"Thanks, Flo!"
Valtor got back up.
"Well, it was worth a try," Musa said nervously.
"I have an idea, but if this next thing doesn't work, then we'll use it," Electra spoke up.
"Let's try a Pyrix convergence spell," Tecna suggested.
"Let's try it!" Roxy replied.
The girls held hands.
"Pyrix convergence! Power of the Dragon Fire!" A fire dragon appeared, encircled Valtor, and struck him in the chest.
"I think we weakened him!" Stella said hopefully.
"You spoke too soon," Roxy replied. "Look! He's absorbing the attack!"
Aisha blew up and was about to punch Valtor, but Electra held her arm back.
"Don't do it," she cautioned. "I'm ticked off too, but we can't let our anger get the best of us. Think before you act."
Aisha took a few deep breaths and thought for a moment.
"There's a technique I learned in magical martial arts," Electra explained. "If someone is making you angry, channel that energy into your attacks. They'll usually manifest as kinetic spells."
"Good thinking," Aisha remarked. She then shouted and threw a punch at Valtor. A water blast hit him and knocked him backward.
Valtor laughed. He raised the dark magic box out of Cloud Tower.
Electra and Aisha growled in anger, ready to take him out.


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