Chapter 24: Valtor's Trap

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Mirta ran to the eight girls, panicking.
"What's wrong, Mirta?" Flora asked.
"Valtor is setting a trap for you girls," Mirta replied. "It's at Cloud Tower! You have to stop him."
"Thanks for the heads up, Mirta."
Stella used the ring of Solaria to teleport to Cloud Tower.
"Good luck!"

Valtor laughed diabolically. "Those fairies won't know what hit them when they fall into my trap," he cackled. "I'm ready for you, girls. You don't stand a chance against me!"
The students of Cloud Tower cowered in fear.
"I'm not scared of you, Valtor!" Headmistress Griffin snapped.
"Oh, yeah?" Valtor snickered. "What are you going to do about it?"
"This!" Miss Griffin shot a green web of magic at him, gluing him to the wall.

As the eight girls approached Cloud Tower, Headmistress Griffin appeared in a hologram projection.
"Girls, can you hear me?" she asked.
"We hear you loud and clear," Flora replied.
"Valtor has set traps for you. Please be careful."
Electra lost it. "I've had ENOUGH!" she snapped. "I've waited long enough, and now I think it's time to give Valtor what he deserves!"
"Yes! Vengeance!" the others shouted.
"What are we waiting for?" Aisha asked. "Let's transform!"

 "Let's transform!""Pyrix!"

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"Who's there?" Valtor asked

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"Who's there?" Valtor asked.
"You have done enough damage to the magic dimension!" Aisha snapped angrily. "Now it's time you get a taste of your own medicine."
Valtor broke free from the net. "Actually, you are going to get a taste of your own medicine!" He put the girls in a dark magic box.
Aisha growled angrily. "You let us out of here! NOW!!!!!" she screamed. She tried breaking it with a blast of magic, but it failed.
"I've just about had it with this guy," Stella mumbled.
"Me too, Stella," Flora replied.
"In order to take him out, we need a plan," Tecna observed. "Don't be rash."
Electra had a flashback to when she punched Valtor in the mouth, then to when he took the magic from Zaltora, then she realized how rash she had been. I don't know why I hated losing so much! How silly of me! she thought. Those losses were major lessons for me. If only I waited for the right moment to strike instead of wanting revenge so quickly. I mean, what happened on Lymphea was horrible, but I shouldn't have lashed out in anger for what he did. He deserved to pay, but not right away. I had to wait for the right moment. Revenge started to burn in her eyes. And that time has finally come!
"You are pathetic!" Valtor roared. Suddenly he transformed into his demon form.
The girls gasped in horror.


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