Chapter 3: Making Friends

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A/N: Man I've been on my Gundam binge like crazy. I didn't think I'd get another chapter out for this so soon, but the feeling I get from writing this story really fills me with energy and creativity. I hope you've enjoyed reading so far and that you like this chapter. I'll see you guys in the next one. Bye!

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Title: Mobile Suit (W-Rec mix)

"Marida Cruz, Kshatriya. Launching." Marida pushed her controls forward as she activated her thrusters and dashed across the ground towards you.

"Y/N L/N, Unicorn Gun-!" You cut yourself off from what you were about to say before shaking your head and regaining your composure. "Unicorn! Taking off!" Your thrusters roared to life and you also dashed across the field towards her.

The two of you flew across the fields as you pressed a sequence of buttons on your side console before pulling the trigger on your right control stick. From the Unicorn's right arm, a metal piece extended unfolded forward and from the wrist came a beam saber. Kshatriya also unleashed a similar choice of weaponry as a small compartment from the left arm ejected a small metal device into its hand and a green beam saber was unsheathed. The two grew closer and closer as you both raised your sabers in the air and clashed against one another, creating sparks as you two spun a few feet above the ground, locked in the hold. The students of the academy were captured in a trance of this battle as they watched you two break apart and slide back a few meters from Marida. Deciding to change the pace of things, you pressed a few buttons on your left control stick before pulling its trigger as you turned on your thrusters and slid to the side. Marida was confused for a moment before using her two front wings to cover herself as you fired the dual vulcan cannons equipped to the head unit of the Unicorn. You kept your distance as you unleashed systematic burst at Kshatriya.

"That boy still thinks he has the upper hand, does he?" Marida muttered as she input a sequence on her control sticks. "Too bad you didn't bring your shields with you." She said while closing her eyes as blips began to appear on the sides of her optical sensors and the back wings on her mobile suit kicked up.

"Huh? AH!! W-WAIT YOU CAN' USE--!" You couldn't even finish your sentence as what you realized she was doing had already been unleashed.

"Funnels." Marida's eyes shot open as she unleashed a swarm of small funnel shaped weapons that flew into the air headed towards you.

"What is that?!" Guel said in shock from his mobile suit as all the students were jaw dropped from the capabilities of the Kshatriya.

"I didn't bring my shields! That's not fair, Marida!!" You yelled as you pulled back on your controls to avoid the attack.

"Hm? Those weapons...Is that GUND-ARM technology?" Shaddiq asked the masked man.

"No, that is our drone technology that we've equipped for that machine specifically. Once the weapon system aboard the Kshatriya has locked onto its target, the drones will deploy and begin to attack its enemy. They are fully automated with no use of the forbidden GUND format or its technologies." The masked man said as he smirked on one side of his face, out of view of Shaddiq.

"I see..." Was all Shaddiq said as they continued to watch the mock battle in earnest.

The swarm of twenty four funnels came at you at almost unreachable speeds as they began to fire their beam guns at you. The Unicorn began running and rolling all over the battlefield as the beams came closer and closer with each shot. Not wanting to waste too much time, Marida pushed forward after you as she glided across the ground and tackled her mobile suit into you. You yelled as you were sent flying and rolling into a lowered section of terrain, landing on your back at the bottom of the hill as Kshatriya stood at the top. You groaned while shaking your head from the fall, but had no time as the Unicorn's targeting alert blared and you saw the funnels appear over the edge and begin firing their beams once more.

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