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Engulfed in my thoughts, a resounding knock on my bedroom window shattered the silence that enveloped the room. Initially, I tried to resist the allure of the sound, determined not to succumb to any distractions that might further delay my impending confrontation. However, despite my best efforts, curiosity and a hint of intrigue got the better of me, compelling me to yield to the temptation and finally open the window.

To my surprise, standing before me was the same white cat I had encountered the previous day. Its innocent and adorable appearance tugged at my heartstrings, but I reminded myself not to be deceived by its cuteness. Nevertheless, I couldn't resist the urge to invite the feline inside. Succumbing to the cat's persistent charm, I relented and decided to open the window, allowing the feline Jungwon to enter my room.

With a graceful meow, As much as I tried to resist the allure of its cuteness, an internal battle raged within me, torn between my desire to maintain my resolve and my curiosity about the cat's intentions.

Jungwon, with his delicate and captivating presence, emitted soft meows as he settled himself comfortably on my bed. Observing the cat's actions, I couldn't help but wonder about its intentions for seeking me out. With a mix of curiosity and concern, I broke the silence, directing my question toward the feline visitor. "What is it that you want," I asked, my voice filled with a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty, yearning to unravel the mystery behind Jungwon's unexpected visitation.

As I gazed at Jungwon, a classmate who possessed the extraordinary ability to shape-shift into a cat. He was perched gracefully on my bed, he exuded an air of familiarity, yet his feline form only added to the mystique surrounding him. A mix of curiosity and confusion consumed me, prompting me to question his unexpected visit. "Why are you here?" I inquired, trying to make sense of the situation.

To my astonishment, a voice, not from Jungwon's mouth but seemingly implanted directly into my mind, invaded my thoughts. "You're my owner," the cat's voice echoed within my consciousness.

I couldn't believe what I was experiencing. Was I simply imagining things? How could a cat communicate with me telepathically?

Jungwon bypassed the conventional means of communication so naturally, leaving me momentarily stunned. The mere idea of a cat speaking to me telepathically seemed utterly implausible, and I couldn't help but question my own sanity. "I must be hearing things," I thought to myself, doubting the legitimacy of this surreal encounter.

However, Jungwon swiftly dispelled my doubts by affirming his ability to communicate through telepathy. "You aren't hearing things," he confirmed, his words reverberating in my mind. To add a touch of mischief, he disclosed his capacity to read my thoughts, cautioning me against dwelling too much on him. His playful teasing only served to heighten my sense of disbelief and confusion.

"So, we can use telepathy to speak?" I questioned, seeking further clarification. The cat nodded, his feline form mirroring the gesture. "Indeed," he responded silently, his voice resonating directly in my mind. "Not only can I communicate with you telepathically, but I can also read your thoughts. So, try not to think of me too much," he teased, his mischievous nature shining through even in this extraordinary circumstance. His words echoed with a playful tone, almost as if he delighted in the astonishment his unique abilities elicited from me. I could tell he was teasing me about the potential dangers of having a feline mind-reader as a companion.

Exasperation washed over me as I let out a frustrated sigh. The weight of this extraordinary situation, coupled with my own skepticism, left me feeling overwhelmed and annoyed.
Jungwon proceeded to elucidate the peculiar dynamics of our connection. "The reason I can utilize telepathy with you is that I have chosen you to be my guardian whenever I assume the form of a cat," he explained, providing insight into the unique bond we shared. "However," he continued, "when I am in my human form, I am unable to read your mind."

Overwhelmed by the weight of this revelation, I let out a sigh of annoyance. The surreal nature of our connection, coupled with the implications it carried, left me feeling both perplexed and burdened. Little did I know that this newfound bond with Jungwon would lead me down a path filled with adventure, discovery, and a deeper understanding of the extraordinary world hidden beneath the surface of everyday life.

12th chapter

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Question of the chapter
Pink or blue?
Me: Pink

Alright, goodbye pookies!
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Love ya! See you in the next chapter.

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