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Overwhelmed by the clamor, a pulsating headache began to tighten its grip on my temples. The voices grew louder, exacerbating the throbbing pain. Just when I thought I couldn't bear it any longer, a sudden sound pierced through the commotion.

"Ji-yoon." All heads swiveled towards the entrance, where Jungwon stood. My eyes widened, and the girls' grins stretched wider. Jungwon approached me, firmly taking hold of my wrist, and guiding us out of the chaotic locker room.

Clutching my cleats in my other hand, it dawned on me that I was walking in nothing but my socks, adorned with adorable bear motifs. Flustered, I instinctively tried to conceal them as we made our way out. More ecstatic squeals followed us as we exited the room, leaving behind a whirlwind of emotions.

"Jungwon, you can't just barge into the girls' locker room like that!" I scolded, yanking my wrist out of his grip and halting in my tracks.

"It's fine, I was only looking at you," Jungwon retorted. I anticipated a mischievous glint in his eyes, but instead, his expression remained serious.

My mouth hung open, rendering me speechless once again.

"Besides, they were all fully dressed," Jungwon added, his smile softening the gravity of his words.

"You just said you were looking at me only!" I exclaimed, slapping his shoulder in frustration before realizing what I had done. Instantly regretting my action, I withdrew my hand and instinctively covered my mouth in shock. What shocked me was the reason why I got mad at him.

Jungwon smirked. "Oh, so you want my attention solely on you?" He leaned in, his gaze fixed on me as he eagerly awaited my response. His eyes slowly drifted off of my face and down to my feet.

"I like your socks," his voice carried a playful smirk. I looked at him, wide-eyed, before glancing down at my feet. Amidst the chaos, I hadn't had the chance to retrieve my shoes. Now, I would have to navigate through the school in my socks until we made it outside.

"I didn't have time to grab my shoes because someone yanked me out of the locker room," I looked up at him, placing the blame squarely on his shoulders.

Jungwon stepped in front of me, causing me to bump into him slightly. Just as I was about to scold him, he knelt down with his back facing me.

"Hop on," Jungwon declared, looking up at me. My eyebrows shot up, a look of disbelief etched across my face.

"Come on, you wouldn't want those adorable socks to get dirty," Jungwon continued to tease, his playful tone unmistakable. I gently pinched his back, prompting him to wince slightly.

I hesitated, contemplating his offer. Eventually, I decided to go along with it. I hopped onto his back, intrigued by the new perspective. My arms draped over his shoulders and wrapped around his neck, providing support as we embarked on our unconventional journey.

"You're heavy," Jungwon put on an act of struggle, although I knew it was all an act because I'd seen him effortlessly carry his friends Jay and Jake, his soccer teammates.

"Do you want to get beaten?" I playfully threatened, my finger poised to flick his forehead.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," Jungwon conceded, surrendering to my warning. A smile crept onto my face.

"Our coach is going to be furious," I sighed, resting my head against Jungwon's shoulder. I mentally prepared myself for the impending headache that would accompany our coach's scolding. Even if he said something positive, his voice always carried a stern, aggressive tone that had the power to bring someone to tears.

"Yep," Jungwon replied simply.

With that, we made our way through the school towards the exit, heading towards soccer practice.

As Jungwon carried me piggyback style, I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. The sound of my giggles filled the air, momentarily drowning out the whispers and giggles that followed us. I couldn't deny the warmth that spread through my chest as Jungwon's strong arms supported me, his steady footsteps providing a sense of security.

As we made our way through the school, the tiled floors felt cool against my sock-clad feet. I couldn't help but notice the curious glances we received, the questioning looks that passed between students. Some smiled in amusement, while others raised their eyebrows in surprise. But amidst the attention, I couldn't help but feel a sense of liberation. I was breaking free from the constraints of societal expectations, embracing a moment of spontaneity and daring.

The journey to the exit felt both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. I clung tightly to Jungwon, my fingers instinctively finding refuge in the folds of his shirt. His steady strides matched the rhythm of my beating heart, a synchronization of emotions that I couldn't fully comprehend. With each step, I felt the weight of judgment and self-consciousness slowly dissipate, replaced by a newfound sense of freedom.

As we finally reached the exit, the bright sunlight greeted us, casting a golden glow over our surroundings. I slid off Jungwon's back, my feet meeting the warm concrete. It was a relief to be back on solid ground, but a part of me couldn't help but miss the height and closeness that being carried provided.

20th chapter

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Question of the chapter:
Hot or cold?
Me: Cold

Alright, goodbye pookies!
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Love ya! See you in the next chapter.


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