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As we sat on the couch, basking in the afterglow of our cleaning adventure, Jungwon turned to me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You know, Yoonie, I think we deserve a reward for our hard work. How about we get some ice cream tomorrow with our friend group?"

A smile spread across my face as I nodded eagerly. "That sounds like a good idea. We've earned it. I can already taste the sweet flavors melting on my tongue." I smiled as I fantasized about Mint Chocolate ice cream.

Jungwon chuckled, "I knew you'd be on board. Ice cream always brings out the inner child in us, doesn't it?"

I nodded, memories of carefree summer days flooding my mind. "Absolutely. It's like a treat that transports us back to a time when worries were few and laughter was abundant. I can't wait to share that joy with our friends."

We spent a few more minutes discussing ice cream flavors and toppings, building anticipation for our upcoming outing. The thought of spending a fun-filled day with our friends, indulging in creamy delights, brought warmth to my heart.

But as the clock ticked away, signaling that it was getting late, reality settled in. We needed to rest and recharge for the exciting day ahead. I glanced at Jungwon, who seemed to be fighting off a yawn.

"You're looking pretty tired, Wonnie," I noted, stifling a yawn of my own. "We should probably call it a night."

Jungwon stretched his arms above his head, arching his back like a contented cat. "You're right, Yoonie. It's been a long day, and we have a lot of fun ahead of us. I'll sleep here on the couch tonight. It's surprisingly comfortable."

I chuckled, standing up from the couch. "I'll head to my room then. Sweet dreams, Wonnie."

He grinned shining his slight fangs. "You too, Yoonie. See you in the morning."

With that, Jungwon settled himself on the couch, curling up in a comfortable position. I made my way to my room, feeling a sense of anticipation for the ice cream outing with our friends the next day. It was moments like these, filled with laughter and shared experiences, that made me grateful for the bond I had with Jungwon.

As I climbed into bed and closed my eyes, I couldn't help but drift off to sleep with a smile on my face, looking forward to the adventures that awaited us in the morning.

The next morning, I woke up with a sense of excitement bubbling inside me. Today was the day we would be enjoying ice cream with our friends. I quickly got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen, where I found Jungwon already preparing breakfast.

He turned to me with a smile. "Good morning, Yoonie. I thought we could have a hearty breakfast before our ice cream extravaganza."

I grinned, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. "That sounds perfect, Wonnie. What's on the menu?"

Jungwon motioned to the array of ingredients on the counter. "I figured we could make some Rice and soup. And of course, a pot of coffee to wake us up."

His unusual sense of craving was odd but I chose to ignore it. I nodded in approval, grabbing an apron and joining him in the culinary adventure. We worked seamlessly together, washing the rice, making the soup, and brewing coffee. The kitchen was filled with the delicious scents of food, and our laughter echoed off the walls.

As we sat down to enjoy our meal, we discussed our plans for the day. We decided to send invitations to our friends, letting them know to meet us at the ice cream shop at a specific time. With our phones in hand, we typed out messages, eagerly anticipating their responses.

One by one, our friends replied, expressing their excitement and confirming their attendance. The group chat buzzed with anticipation as we shared our favorite ice cream flavors and discussed our outfits for the day. The excitement was infectious, and I couldn't wait to see everyone.

After finishing breakfast and cleaning up, I made my way to my room to get ready. When I walked out, all dressed and ready, I was surprised to see Jungwon waiting by the door, looking exceptionally handsome in casual streetwear. It was rare to see him outside of his pajamas or school uniform, and I couldn't help but feel a flutter of emotions inside me.

"You look nice," Jungwon's voice suddenly said, catching me off guard. I kept my head turned, trying to hide my expression, biting my lip to stop myself from smiling too widely.

"Thanks," I replied, my voice slightly shaky. "You clean up pretty well yourself."

48th chapter

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Question of the chapter:
What's your clothing style?
Me: y2k

Alright, goodbye pookies!
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Love ya! See you in the next chapter.


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