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As the bell resonated through the classroom, indicating it was time for the gym, our classmates began to file out, leaving only the four of us behind - Sunwoo, Hanni, Jungwon, and myself.

We gathered our belongings, the atmosphere tense with curiosity as Hanni directed a questioning look toward Jungwon. "Jungwon, do you have a partner for gym today?" Hanni tried to spark up a conversation.
However, he abruptly stood up without acknowledging her, leaving Hanni perplexed. Sensing the need to address the situation, she turned to me, her eyes pleading for an explanation.

"What's up with that jerk?" Hanni inquired, her tone laced with frustration, as she sought an answer from me.

A weary sigh escaped my lips as I shouldered my backpack, motioning for them to follow me. Together, we made our way toward the gym, engaging in lighthearted conversation and laughter that reverberated through the empty hallways.

Upon reaching the lockers, we split up, with Hanni and I entering the girls' locker room while Sunwoo headed toward the boys'. I opened my locker, shuffling aside my soccer uniform to retrieve my gym clothes. Slipping into the cozy embrace of the school-provided blue sweats and sweater, designed to shield us from the winter chill during gym class, I swiftly changed. Hanni and I emerged from the locker room to find Sunwoo patiently waiting for us.

"Let's go," he grinned, revealing a glimpse of his canine teeth. I nodded in agreement, emitting a soft hum in response, while Hanni mirrored my actions. Side by side, we walked through the gym doors, bracing ourselves for the upcoming activity.

Inside the gym, a group of students had already gathered, forming a small cluster. The coach's authoritative voice resonated through the cavernous space as he addressed the class, conveying the purpose of the day's session.

"Today, each of you will choose a partner and engage in basketball practice for the upcoming gym tournament," the coach declared, his tone imbued with a sense of determination, capturing the attention of every individual present.

"Now, find a partner and select a ball from the rack over there," he instructed, punctuating his words with a resounding blow of his whistle. Sunwoo, with a friendly smile, patted my shoulder before jogging towards the basketball rack. As he retrieved a ball, my eyes couldn't help but be drawn to his towering stature and well-proportioned physique.

With a smooth motion, Sunwoo tossed the basketball in my direction, and I managed to catch it, albeit with a slight fumble.

"Cute." A soft chuckle escaped his lips, causing my cheeks to flush with a mixture of embarrassment and delight. Attempting to conceal my blushing face, I turned slightly to the side, hoping to shield my momentary vulnerability.

"Let's get started," I stammered, gripping the ball with both hands and attempting to dribble it, my movements betraying my lack of skill. I felt like a novice as I aimed to throw the basketball towards the hoop, only for it to miss entirely, failing to even graze the backboard.

"Wait watch me." Recognizing my struggle, Sunwoo smoothly stepped in, taking hold of the ball and displaying the proper shooting technique. With a fluid motion, he released the ball, and it effortlessly sank into the basket. Nodding in understanding, I acknowledged his demonstration before hurrying to retrieve the ball. As I held it, preparing for another attempt, Sunwoo gently intervened, halting my action.

"No, like this," he positioned himself behind me, his hands gently guiding mine, adjusting their placement. I could feel my face flush slightly as my knees were getting weak. "Bend your knees slightly, then push off with your feet," he instructed, his voice laced with patience and encouragement. Following his guidance, I released the ball towards the hoop, watching with satisfaction as it smoothly sailed through the air, finding its mark.

"I did it!" I exclaimed, exuberantly raising my arms and bouncing up and down in celebration. Sunwoo's laughter filled the gym, his proud grin capturing the joy of the moment.

"Good job!" he praised, his hand playfully ruffling my hair, the basketball held firmly in his other hand.

Suddenly, a voice from a distance shattered the euphoria of our exchange. "Jungwon, are you even paying attention?" Turning my head, I caught sight of Jungwon's partner shouting at Jungwon. Jungwon had his gaze fixed on Sunwoo and me, particularly on Sunwoo, while his partner displayed clear annoyance.

"Hey, Ji-yoon, let's switch partners," Jungwon's partner suggested, firmly taking hold of Sunwoo's arm.

"But—" Sunwoo's protest was swiftly cut short as he was pulled away from me, leaving me momentarily disoriented.

Jungwon's partner gently guided him in my direction, causing him to stumble slightly. Our eyes met, and an awkward silence enveloped us, the weight of our gaze hung suspended in the air.

77th chapter

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Question of the chapter:
Do you like basketball?
me: It's alright!

Alright, goodbye pookies!
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Love ya! See you in the next chapter.


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