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As we carefully disposed of our trash in the nearby bins, our laughter filled the air, carrying the excitement of the day at the amusement park. With a renewed sense of adventure, we resumed our journey through the vibrant park, the colorful rides towering above us under the brilliant sun.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, Jake's eyes lit up as he spotted a ride that caught his fancy. "Let's go on that one!" His voice rang out joyfully, a radiant smile gracing his face, his enthusiasm infectious like a playful puppy.

My gaze followed his pointed finger to the imposing structure of the ride, a mix of exhilaration and trepidation gripping me. The ride soared high into the sky, then plummeted down in a thrilling descent that left my heart racing.

Heeseung's spirited cheer spurred Jake into action, and they dashed towards the ride, the group eagerly following suit. Lost in my thoughts and the intimidating presence of the towering ride, I found myself frozen in place, a wave of unease washing over me.

A comforting touch on my shoulder jolted me from my reverie. Startled, I turned to see my boyfriend, Jungwon, his expression etched with concern as he assessed my state. "Hey, are you alright?" His voice was filled with care and worry, his eyes searching mine for reassurance.

Reluctant to reveal my fear, I sought solace in his embrace, wrapping my arms around him tightly, seeking refuge in his familiar presence. His initial surprise melted into a warm embrace, his hand tenderly caressing my back as he held me close, his voice soft and soothing.

"Yoonie, are you okay?" Jungwon's gentle inquiry pierced through the tumult in my mind, his touch a grounding force in my moment of vulnerability. Reluctantly, I pulled away slightly as he cupped my chin delicately, urging me to meet his gaze, his eyes mirroring his concern as they searched mine.

Observing my apprehension, Jungwon's expression softened, a hint of a pout forming on his lips as he glanced at the intimidating ride. "Hey, you don't have to go on that ride if you don't want to," he reassured me, his tone filled with understanding and support, his thumb brushing against my cheek.

"But everyone will think I'm lame," I murmured, my voice quivering with the weight of my fear of heights, the thought of being judged gnawing at me. I had managed the earlier ride, but the towering height of this one was a different challenge altogether.

Shaking his head gently, Jungwon squeezed my hand reassuringly, his unwavering gaze filled with compassion. "No, they won't. Let's go," he insisted, his voice firm yet gentle, his touch a steady anchor in the sea of my fears.

As he guided me away from the daunting ride, I hesitated, torn between my fear and the desire to blend in with the group. "Wait, Jungwon, just go on the ride. I'll wait for you here," I suggested, my eyes fixed on his back as he led me away, uncertainty lingering in my voice.

"No, I'm staying with you," he declared, his tone resolute, a faint blush gracing my cheeks at his unwavering support. Lowering my gaze to the ground, I allowed him to lead me toward a nearby gift shop, his presence a reassuring constant amid my fears.

As I walked into the gift shop, the crisp, refreshing air caressed my skin gently, and a feeling of comfort enveloped me. Stepping into the store, my gaze lifted to meet Jungwon's eyes, which sparkled with excitement upon spotting the array of headbands.

Approaching the headbands section, we were mesmerized by the multitude of options displayed on the shelves. Each headband boasted adorable designs, like playful bears and charming cats, adding a whimsical touch to the atmosphere.

A slight pout formed on my lips as the warmth of Jungwon's hand slipped away from mine, only to be replaced by a teddy bear headband gently placed atop my head.

90th chapter

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Question of the chapter:
What's your biggest fear?
Me: Losing someone

Alright, goodbye pookies!
Leave a scared emoji for this chapter in the comments.

Love ya! See you in the next chapter.


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