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I walked through the front door, feeling a mix of exhaustion and contentment after a long-awaited reunion with my parents at the restaurant. It had been a while since we had all been together, and the evening had been filled with laughter, good food, and cherished conversations. As we entered our apartment, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, grateful to be back in the comfort of my own space.

I made my way to my room, ready to unwind and relax after the eventful day. However, as I opened the door, my eyes widened in surprise and frustration. There, on my neatly made bed, was Jungwon, my mischievous classmate who also happened to be a shape-shifting cat. I had explicitly told him that he couldn't go on the bed, but it seemed like he had chosen to ignore my request.

I approached him, my voice filled with annoyance as I scolded him for his disobedience. "Jungwon, what do you think you're doing on my bed? I told you not to get on it!" I exclaimed, my frustration evident in my tone. He stirred from his peaceful slumber, stretching his feline body lazily before meeting my gaze with mischievous eyes.

With a nonchalant smirk, he replied, "Oh, come on, Ji-yoon. It's not a big deal. Besides, I was just getting comfortable." His teasing tone only fueled my irritation further. Jungwon had a knack for pushing boundaries and testing my patience, and it seemed like he was enjoying every moment of it.

I had reluctantly become his owner after he had forced the responsibility upon me, and now he was living with me, making my life both entertaining and exasperating. I had laid down some ground rules, hoping that he would at least respect them, but it appeared that he had other plans.

Frustrated, I crossed my arms and glared at him. "Jungwon, we had an agreement. No getting on the bed, remember? I expect you to follow the rules," I stated firmly, trying to assert my authority. However, he simply tilted his head, his mischievous grin widening.

"I never agreed on anything besides, where's the fun in following all those boring rules?" he replied cheekily. It was clear that he enjoyed challenging my patience, finding amusement in my exasperation.

I let out an exasperated sigh, realizing that reasoning with Jungwon was often a futile endeavor. He was mischievous by nature, and it seemed like he thrived on pushing my buttons. As I continued to scold him, I couldn't help but acknowledge the carelessness his aroma gave off, it made me even more frustrated. Jungwon yawned as my words flowed through one ear of his and out of the other, unbothered about my endless scolding.

With a mix of annoyance and affection, I shook my head at Jungwon's antics. Living with a shape-shifting cat who couldn't resist bending the rules certainly made for an interesting life.
Thanks to his mischievous nature, I am forced to be his owner, and he now lives with me.

As Jungwon and I settled down for the night, the air was filled with a mix of uneasiness and anticipation. We had been through countless adventures today and this just piles onto it, but tonight brought a new question that hung in the air like a delicate thread. Where should Jungwon, the mischievous companion, sleep?

Contemplating the situation, I suggested that he should sleep on the floor. 

"You're sleeping on the floor." My voice carried a hint of determination, a reminder that he had willingly entangled himself in this predicament and should face the consequences of his discomfort. I wanted him to understand that life doesn't always grant us the luxury of comfort when we make impulsive decisions.

True to form, Jungwon couldn't resist responding with his usual sassy and teasing remarks. His mischievous eyes sparkled as he taunted me, his playful tone aiming to persuade me otherwise. "Are you nervous about having a guy sleep in your bed?" he exclaimed, a mischievous grin dancing across his face. His words were like a playful breeze, trying to sway my decision. Despite his whining and his attempts to charm me, I remained resolute in my suggestion.

Reluctantly, he eventually acquiesced, seemingly accepting the fate that awaited him on the floor. However, unbeknownst to me, he had a mischievous plan tucked away in the depths of his cunning mind.

As I finally settled into the comfort of my bed, feeling the plushness of my pillows cradling my head and the warmth of my blanket cocooning me, I gradually succumbed to the embrace of slumber. Little did I know, the world around me was about to change in ways I never could have imagined.

Unbeknownst to my conscious self, the room became a stage for Jungwon's audacious act. In his mischievous form, he underwent a breathtaking transformation, shedding his feline exterior to become a human. And there he positioned himself, right beside me, his presence as enigmatic as the moonlight that bathed us both.

15th chapter

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Question of the chapter:
Twice or Newjeans?
Me: I love Newjeans but
No one can compete with Twice.

Alright, goodbye pookies!
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Love ya! See you in the next chapter.


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