(DB/ Quaddrive) Wolf Shu Kurenai x Red Riding Hood! Reader

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Requested: AiriShizuka

Thanks for the request, again. This will be more different than old fairytale. It's An AU.

Type of this story:
(☁️ + 💞)

Enjoy to read :)


(Reader's POV)

"(Y/N)! Come here for a sec!" My mom shouted my named. I got up from the couch walked to the kitchen where she called me.

"Yes, mom. Need anything?" She put the lunch box on the basket along with a two bottles of milk. And gave me this basket.

"(Y/N), I want you gave this basket to your grandmother's house because she was sick since yesterday." She handed me the basket with full of two bottles milk and the lunch box.

"Ok, I'll go there. But why's grandmother suddenly sick, mom?" She shrugged while looking at me with a small frown.

"I'm not sure, (Y/N). Anyway, go now. Your grandmother is waiting and make sure wear the red cape that I sewed last week." I nodded at her as I hugged my mother.

"Ok, mom." She smiled and hugged me back then gave me a small kiss on my head. Her expression turn to serious look.

"(Y/N). Before you go, you must not go to that short cut way because there's a big bad wolf who live there." I frowned, because that way was to nearer than the other road since it's far.

"But mom, that's the only way to reach to grandma's house." She sighed heavily, patting my head.

"I know, sweetheart. I just want to make sure you're safe from the danger and you know that wolf will hunt you and eat you alive."

She said making me shivered into the spine. The truth is I'm scared of that creature who howl on the full moon.

"I know, mom." She gave me a small smile and pecking my head again.

"That's a good girl. Now go before that wolf will chasing you." She warned as I gave her a thumb up.

"Alrighty, mom." Then, I wore the red cape as my mother told to and went out from my house. I waved at her as my mom waved at me back.

But I didn't listen to my mom as I went to that dark forest gkt near to my grandmother's house for 15 minutes to reach there.

This is what I wear:

This is what I wear:

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