The Ed's of Old

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Double D had just set foot in ed's yard when the oafish boy came barreling out the front door.

 He must have noticed me approaching from his window, Double D thought, warmed at the excitement his old friend showed upon seeing him.

" Double D! You have come home like a lost chicken to her younglings!" Ed blared, wrapping his friend is a suffocatingly tight bear hug. His voice had gotten a little deeper, and he had a bit more hair on his face, but not much else had changed about the lovable goof.

"It's nice to see you too, Ed. Now, if you would be so kind as to put me down," Ed panted, all the air being squeezed from his lungs. A familiar, ear grating voice reached his ears and caused Ed to drop Double D rather unceremoniously on his ass.

"Geez, Lumpy, don't kill him before I get to say hi." Eddy slinked out of Ed's house, his slouched posture emphasizing his eternally short stature. The smug smile that was almost always plastered on the boy's face was replaced by a look of shock as he caught sight of Double D.

He was surprised at how much taller the boy had gotten, and at how much he had actually been able to mature over the past couple months. Double D now stood a solid 6', probably closer to 6'2". His jawline was ever so slightly more defined, but his face was still smooth. Even with his beanie on, Eddy could tell Sockhead's hair was much longer, and though he wasn't really muscular, he had toned some and looked less awkward. All in all, the summer had turned him into a rather attractive boy.

Eddy coughed, tugging his collar nervously.

"Eddy, are you feeling well? You seem to have a slight respiratory irritation." Double D asked, concern tinging his voice.

 Yep, this was Sockhead alright, no doubt. Eddy chuckled to himself, his nervousness melting away.

"So Double D, where'dya run off to all summer? We really could have used your help setting up some scams. " Eddy complained playfully, pushing the other two through Ed's house and down into his room, which was surprisingly cleaner, and far less assaulting to the nose, than Double D remembered.

"For your information, Eddy, I had some matters that needed attending to, and I will not elaborate any further." Double D's reply had an almost toxic sting, effectively dissolving any further questions the two other boys might've had about his summer. Surprised by his friend's sudden tone, Eddy cleared his throat awkwardly and attempted to change the subject.

"Well it's good to have you back Double D. Things were really boring around here with you gone. Even Kevin backed off a little." Eddy mentioned offhandedly, staring up at the ceiling.

Double D, who had been sitting on ed's bed, felt his cheeks growing hot at the mention of the ginger's name. He pulled his knees to his chest, grateful that both the boys weren't looking at him. He hadn't been able to get the redhead out of his mind all summer. It had been quite a conflict for him, actually.

Ed, who had been curled up in a bean-bag chair that he must've gotten over the summer, shot up unexpectedly with a massive grin on his face.

"We should have a party for double D Eddy! Because like a lost chicken he has returned to our field" Ed , although being almost the same height as Double D, still managed to pick him up and hold him as if cradling a child. Flush with embarrassment at both Ed's suggestion and his coddling, Double D pulled his hat down roughly over his face, mumbling through it.

"Now Ed that is simply not necissar-"

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but that's a really great idea, Lumpy. We can have a barbecue and invite the whole cul-de-sac. It'll be great! " Eddy hopped out of the chair, excitement growing in his voice. 

"The w-whole Cul-de-sac?" Double D stammered quietly, his mind drifting to the red-head again.

"I'll go get the grill out of the garage. Ed, go find us some good hot dogs and burgers and junk. Sockhead, you just get you dorky self here by 7 tonight, got it? I'll take care of invitations!" Ed and Eddy bolted from the room, excited for the festivities they had just set into motion. Double D sighed, both appreciative of his friends' attempts to welcome him back, and mortified at the fact that he would actually have to be....-gulp-... social..

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