A Green Ed

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Double D's eyes fluttered open, momentarily startled to find he was not in his bed, or his room.

that's right, I'm at Kevin's....

He gingerly lifted himself up on his good arm, a sharp pain in his wrist causing the events of the previous night to come flooding back into his mind. He glanced over at Kevin, who was half-sprawled across the bed, still deeply asleep. Double D smiled sadly, bitterly wishing it hadn't taken such an awful circumstance to bring him here.

I should go. He won't want me here when he wakes up...

Double D slipped quietly out of the house, hoping beyond all hope that no one else was awake yet to see him shuffling, shirtless, across the cul-de-sac to his house.

He had no such luck.

Eddy, recovering from an all night movie marathon with a pot of fresh coffee, caught a glimpse of motion out his front window as he stood at the kitchen counter, waiting for his cup to cool. Curious, he moved closer, his eyes widening at the sight of Sockhead darting out of Kevin's house and across the Culd-de-sac. He balled his hands into fists, jealousy boiling over into rage inside him. He stormed back into his room, his drink forgotten.

Back in the safety of his own house, Double D sunk down on his bed, worry nagging at the back of his mind. He pulled his beanie off and tossed it on his night stand. A few strands of hair fell in his face, and their greasy shine reminded him that he needed to shower.

Kevin's radio burst to life, pulling him from a deep, peaceful slumber. He stretched his arms, realizing he no longer had company in his bed. A sad pang settled in his chest. He wondered to himself what it would be like to wake up next to Edd one day....

A chirp from his phone alerted him that he had a message waiting. He reached for it with a sigh, unlocking it and opening his messages in one quick motion. It was from Jake, a running back on the football team.


Hey man! Just wondering if you

were gonna make it to our mock

game today! Would be great to

have ya there cap'n!

Kevin smiled slightly, the thought of a good ol' game of full contact football lifting his spirits a tad.


Yeah, I'll be there. Just give  me 

a few to get dressed.

He flopped out of bed and hit the floor with a loud thump. rolling his shoulders, he rifled through a pile of clothes on the floor, hoping this pile happened to be clean. He pulled a blue and gold jersey from it and a pair of black gym shorts off his bed. just as he was reaching for the door, a thought occurred to him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, sending a quick message before bolting down the stairs and out the door.


Hey Double D, we're having a

mock football game at the park

today, we could probably

benefit from having a medic

around, if you'd like to come


Double D was in the process of combing out a particularly nasty tangle out of his wet hair when his phone chimed. He paused his struggle, feeling his cheeks flush as he read the message Kevin had sent him. He chastised himself for being so eager to respond. Kevin was probably just going to threaten him into silence about last night, or just wanted someone on sight in case a serious injury occurred. Still he really had no excuse not to. And besides, Scarra would probably be there to watch Tobi play. At least he would have some company.

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