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Scarra tiptoed quietly into Double D's house, followed closely by Tobi who closed the door soundlessly behind them. Double D was supposed to meet them at the park at 0900 this morning, but he hadn't showed. Filled with worry, the siblings had sought him out at his home. When they arrived to find the front door unlocked, Scarra's worry had jumped to panic levels. She tiptoed up the stairs, afraid of what she may find in the boy's room.

Pushed the door open slowly, she peeked her head in, Tobi close behind her. Relief washed over her as she saw Double D, asleep but unharmed, curled up in his bed. She threw herself on the bed, startling the boy into a very rude awakening. He bolted upright, eyes momentarily wide in fear, not quite awake enough to process what was happening. Scarra threw her arms around his neck, hugging the larger boy tightly.

"Double D, you're okay! We were so worried when you din't show up at the park. Are you sick? Did you get hurt?" She pulled away just enough to look into his aqua eyes, concern so blatantly plastered on her face.

Edd shook his head, clearing the fog from his mind as Tobi made his way to the side of the bed, lifting Scarra off of him with ease and placing her back on the ground. Finally grasping the situation, Edd turned a bright tomato color, scrambling frantically for the beanie on his nightstand and tugging it roughly down on his head.

Tobi chuckled, relieved to see the boy acting normal.

"Give the boy some room to breathe, Scarra," His tone was calm, but the tinge of worry that lingered was all too obvious to Edd. He looked down, ashamed.

"I do apologize, Scarra, Tobi. I did not sleep well last night and I must have been so tired I overslept my alarm this morning. Please forgive me." He yawned, rubbing his eyes like a sleepy child. He was suddenly very thankful he had decided to wear pajamas last night. The worry on Scarra's face faded, and then she smiled suddenly.

" It's okay Double D. You get dressed, I'm going downstairs to start breakfast!" she dashed down the stairs before either boy had a chance to protest. Tobi sighed, a knowing smile on his face as he watches his sister disappear down the stairs.

"I swear that girl is constantly hungry," He chuckles to himself, then turns back to Double D, who had pulled himself off his bed and was digging an outfit out of his dresser.

"Double D... Are you sure you are okay? " Tobi's voice was low, and he made no attempt to hide the concern in it.

Double D flashed him his goofy, gap-toothed smile before moving around him to the door to his bathroom.

" I assure you, all is well Tobias. If you will please excuse me momentarily, I need to decontaminate myself and put on some more appropriate attire." Edd smiled courteously, and closed the door to his bathroom. The sound of running water could be heard a few seconds later.

Tobi could tell from the look in Double D's eyes that he was not okay, but he knew better than to pry. Edd would talk when he was ready, on his terms. Trying to force him would only freak him out. Resigned, he headed downstairs, suddenly feeling as though Scarra, little pyro that she was, was not the best person to leave unattended in a kitchen.

Kevin woke up squinting, wondering why in the world his room was so bright so early in the morning.

 That's right, I never did turn the lights off before I passed out last night, he thought, groaning inwardly. His dad would kill him if he found out. Assuming he ever made it back home. Throwing his sheets off, he stood and stretched his muscles, sore from thrashing around all night. He pulled a pair of gym shorts up to his hips and sauntered into the kitchen, deciding on reheated pizza for breakfast. It had pineapple and bacon on it, that qualified it as a breakfast food, right?

He popped a couple slices in the microwave and set the timer, watching the numbers slowly tick down. He jumped slightly as a familiar melody broke the silence.

Hey Miss Murder, can I

Hey Miss Murder, can I

Make beauty stay if I

take my life? 

He chuckled inwardly, slightly amused at the ringtone Nazz had chosen for herself. He slid it open to his messages, clicking on her name.


Hey! Just wanted to check in and make sure

you didn't pace a tunnel to China last night!

Get back to me ASAP! :)

Kevin rolled his eyes mockingly, typing a quick reply as the timer on the microwave went off.


I'm fine MOTHER, don't worry :P I guess I just

got a little stressed about school starting.

You can unknot your panties now!

He knew that last sentence would get him in trouble, but he just couldn't pass up an opportunity to pick on his best friend. He sat at the table, waiting patiently for the pizza to be cool enough to eat, tracing invisible shapes with his finger around the table's surface.

the ringtone sounded again, and Kevin opened the new message.


I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that!

So, do you want to make one final trip to the

water park before it closes for the year? I hear

they're having a big bash! It's going to be

totally rad!

Kevin smiled. This would be the perfect distraction to get his mind off the terrible night's sleep he had. And maybe he could forget the Dork too.


Yeah, I'm down! I'll be over there in 15 min

Edd stepped out of his shower, feeling much better now that he was clean and fully awake. He slipped on today's choice of outfit, a long-sleeve crimson v-neck and light grey skinny jeans, and headed downstairs, adjusting his hat as he went. The pleasant smell of eggs, bacon and pancakes greeted him, and his stomach growled hungrily.

He strolled into the kitchen just as Tobi was setting three plates piled high with food down on the table. He poured himself a glass of milk and sat down in front of one of the plates. Tobi and Scarra joined him, and the three of them tore eagerly into the food while discussing the plans for the day,finally settling on an outing to the park to see the new bird sanctuary that had been built.

Breakfast done and the dishes cleared, the trio left Edd's house, meandering their way down to the park for a day of sunshine and fun, the trials of the morning forgotten for the time being.

Kevin stepped out the front door just in time to see Double Dork heading down the street, Scarra clinging to his back, laughing about something, and Tobi walking beside him. A sharp pang tugged at his chest, and he momentarily wondered what it would feel like to carry Sockhead around like that.

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